Student engagement additional resources

Blogs, podcasts and videos; University training, networks and signposting; External toolkits, guidance and websites; Journal articles and book chapters.


  • The Engage Network aims to bring together University of Edinburgh students and staff interested in creating genuine and meaningful interactions focused on learning, teaching and assessment. Engage Network events run roughly once a month either online, in person or hybrid. Email to be added to the mailing list.


The IAD has created a series of guides to student engagement in different areas of practice, which are helpful introductory guides for staff:

You may also find the following pages useful:

  • Student contract: The student contract is a supportive set of regulations, policies and procedures that underpins the way staff and students work in partnership together to provide a learning environment that enables students to fulfill their potential.
  • Student Partnership Agreement: This states how the University and Edinburgh University Students Association work together to enhance the student experience. Small pots of funding (up to £1000) are available each year to support staff and students to work in partnership through the Student Partnership Agreement Small Project funding.




Journal articles

Journals from RAISE: The Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) network recommned a list of journals to dip in to, which provide an academic view on the effectiveness of student engagement.

Specific journal articles include:

Books and book chapters

Recommended books from RAISE: This selection of books have been recommended as essential reading for student engagement by the Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) network.