Student and staff co-creation additional resources

Blog posts, podcasts and videos; University training, networks and signing posting; External toolkits, guidance and websites; Journal articles and book chapters.


The Engage Network aims to bring together University of Edinburgh students and staff interested in creating genuine and meaningful interactions focused on learning, teaching and assessment. Engage Network events run roughly once a month either online, in person or hybrid. Email to be added to the mailing list.


Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) and SPA Funding: The Student Partnership Agreement states how the Edinburgh University Students’ Association and the University are working in partnership to enhance the student experience. The Student Partnership Agreement is reviewed annually and the priorities are agreed in consultation with students and staff. Student Partnership Agreement funding is then made available each year with a closing date in October, for projects where students and staff work in partnership to undertake activities which will progress the SPA priority areas.

Student Teaching Award winners: This overview of the winners of the 2023 Student Teaching Award provides a useful insight into positive learning and teaching experiences.


Student learning experience model - sparqs: A new model designed to support students and staff to work together to identify priorities to enhance the quality of learning. (sparqs - student partnerships in quality Scotland). 


Student Engagement Through Partnership Framework (7 pages): A framework developed by Advance HE in 2016 to reflect on, inspire and enhance practice and policy relating to partnerships in learning and teaching.

Student-staff partnerships: seven strategies for adopting inclusive practices: Times Higher Education Campus blog post by Judd and Szücs (2022) describing seven key strategies to, adopting inclusive partnership practices.

A practitioner's Guide to choice of assessment within a module: This guide provides an overview of ways to build choice into assessment.

A Student Engagement Framework for Scotland: This useful guidance document was created by sparqs (student partnerships in quality Scotland) and provides a framework for student engagement in HE.

Journal articles

Bovill, C. (2023) Students and staff co-creating curriculum in higher education, In R.J Tierney, F. Rizvi and K, Erkican (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition), Elsevier, Pages 235-244,

Bovill, C. (2020a) Co-creation in learning and teaching: the case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education 79 (6) 1023- 1037.

Bovill, C. & Woolmer, C. (2019) How conceptualisations of curriculum in higher education influence student-staff co-creation in and of the curriculum. Higher Education 78 (3) 407 422.

Stevens, D. (2022). Student partnership: A review of and guide to the literature (LSE: Eden Centre for Education Enhancement - 13 pages).

Books and book chapters

Barrineau et al (2019) An Active Student Participation Companion (132 pages): An excellent introductory text to do with co-creation (although the authors use the terminology ‘active student participation’) is by Swedish authors Barrineau et al (2019). This online open access book offers information about what active student participation and co-creation is, evidence for positive outcomes and many examples of practice.

Bovill (2020) Co-creating learning and teaching: Towards relational pedagogy (82 pages): Another accessible UoE library E-book by Bovill offers an overview of co-creating learning and teaching and the key connections to building relationships. There are lots of examples of practice as well as reflective questions to support you to think about your own teaching practice.