Interested in working with us as an external training provider? IAD works with a number of external providers to provide tailored workshops and courses for students and University of Edinburgh staff. This includes both face-to-face and online sessions focused on professional development. The workshops and courses currently offered are listed in the respective audience pages: Undergraduate students Postgraduate Taught students Postgraduate Research students Research and Academic Staff If you are interested in contributing to any of our programmes in existing skills areas, or if you are able to offer additional workshops or online resources that are relevant to our students or staff, we’d be interested in hearing from you. We undertake planning and procurement annually and in advanced of each academic session. In line with University of Edinburgh Procurement Regulations and to ensure the best development opportunities are available for our staff and students, we must consider the following criteria when selecting providers: Value for money Expertise subject knowledge to cover the breath of disciplines High quality resources An understanding of higher education What to do next If you wish to be considered as an external provider, please submit all of the following documentation in a single submission to the programme lead (listed below): A recent CV A course/workshop description Detail of learning outcomes Samples of feedback received Full details on fees (please note we operate a ‘fixed fee’ model which includes expenses) 2 reference contacts We will review your submission as part of our annual process and respond accordingly. Due to the volume of inquiries we may only get in touch with those who meet the criteria detailed above. Once work is offered a contracted Memorandum of Agreement will be drawn up and an IR35 questionnaire to enable payment will also need to be completed in advance of any work being undertaken. Our annual planning typically takes place in April. We would appreciate applications being submitted in between January and March to coincide with our planning. Should you have any questions or wish to make informal inquiries, please contact: This article was published on 2024-02-26