How to keep informed

Ways that you can keep in touch with us and with other research staff society members.

UoE Postdoc Society Organisers Microsoft Teams Site

The UoE Postdoc Society Organisers Microsoft Teams site is aimed at research staff who are members of a Research Staff Society.

The  site is used to share news, resources, good practice and develop a network for Research Staff Society members at the University.

If you would like to join the Microsoft Teams site, please email us:

Research staff and principal investigator (PI) support

Contact details

Research staff societies networking meetings

The IAD holds networking meetings for research staff/postdoc society members bi-annually which allow discussion and information sharing.

These meetings provide a good opportunity to hear from you as societies and give you the opportunity to discuss things that would be beneficial and timely. There is the opportunity for us to update you on any developments and for you to share news and plans for upcoming events/work and allow you the opportunity to meet and chat!

We want them to be beneficial to you as a society, so if there is anything specific you would like to cover at future meetings, and/or if you would like to talk or provide information about anything please let us know by sending an email to the above email address.

We will email details of forthcoming meetings about a month prior to them taking place.

Details are:

Dates: run bi-annually usually March and October

Location: TBC - likely to be Levels Cafe, Holyrood Road

Time: TBC

Follow us 

For latest update on our training and research staff news items of interest, follow us on our X or subscribe to our Blog: