A qualitative exploration of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary simulated learning in the acquisition of clinical skills and students 'decision making: toward the development of an embedded clinical skills joint interdisciplinary learning and curricula approach. Team members: Jennifer Tocher, Janet Skinner, Tonks Fawcett Abstract Introduction: The Undergraduate programmes of Medicine and Nursing at the University of Edinburgh are currently participating in an innovative interdisciplinary teaching approach involving the use of medium fidelity simulation. The programme involves several elements of cutting edge teaching and learning such as ‘real time’ experiential learning, team work, feed forward, debriefing techniques and significant student involvement in their learning experience to name but a few. Our multidisciplinary, collaborative team seeks funding to evaluate this innovation and prepare to develop and embed this initiative across the two programmes. Aims: To evaluate this initiative through student and staff eyes and assess its impact on clinical competence and confidence in the group of undergraduate students. Objectives: 1. To prepare students for professional interdisciplinary working. 2. To use experiential learning as an approach to achieve knowledge and effective decision making. 3. To foster direct research-teaching links within nursing studies. Methods: Qualitative interviews and focus groups will be used to evaluate the student and staff experience of participating in this learning environment. Results: It is anticipated that experiencing interdisciplinary learning in this ‘safe’ deteriorating patient scenario will assist students in both competence and confidence attainment thus leading to better patient care. Whilst the debrief medium facilitates students in their learning and understanding of their own competencies and their relation to other team members. Final Project Report You can download the final project report below: Final Report: Mar2014 Tocher (PDF) This article was published on 2024-02-26