Filling in the gaps: development of complete Open Educational Resources for two years of core Engineering Mathematics Schools: Mathematics, and EngineeringTeam: Dr Konstantina Zerva, Dr Simon Taylor, Prof Daniel Friedrich Dr Nicholas Polydorides, Mr Malthe Sporring, and Mr Santiago BorioAbstract This project centres on extending the interactive HELM (Helping Engineers to Learn Mathematics) workbooks to cover the first two years of the Engineering Mathematics. The workbooks have existed in static PDF format since 2005 and have used widely across the UK. In 2020, the School of Mathematics led a conversion of the PDFs into a series of online interactive workbooks using the STACK software. These online workbooks are covering the first year of Engineering Mathematics, which remain in active use even two years after the return to in-person teaching. Furthermore, the interactive HELM workbooks have already been in use from other Higher Education institutions across the UK and the international STACK community. The project will use the experience of the team members to complete the set of interactive workbooks to cover two years of Engineering Mathematics. These resources will be used within the University of Edinburgh and will be made available as an OER under CC-BY licence. In parallel with this, we will create a standard and well-documented workflow that will support improvements in the “translation” of paper-based questions into auto-marked questions. This article was published on 2024-10-17