About WriteFest 2024, an academic writing month that has run for the last five years. What is WriteFest?November is Academic Writing Month. This annual event was established as a way to support academic writing via the #AcWriMo hashtag on Twitter. Use the hashtag #AcWriFest24 to share your progress with other researchers.During November 2024, the Institute for Academic Development run WriteFest, a local contribution to this academic writing month, with the aim of bringing people together to raise awareness and celebrate academic writing.AimsThe festival aims to provide protected time and space for writing to help you to: Image During WriteFest the IAD will be running morning and afternoon Writing Retreats and Researcher Writing Hour sessions to provide you with space and time to write, along with a selection of workshops and resources to support your writing.Below is a summary of what happened during WriteFest in 2022 and 2023 at the University of Edinburgh:A summary of WriteFest 2023A summary of WriteFest 2022How to get involvedBook onto a workshop or writing retreatWe will be regularly blogging during the festival from blogs.ed.ac.uk/iad4researchers where we will share some experiences, promote events and courses and reflect on academic writing. Have a look at our previous writing themed blogs.Use the hashtag #AcWriFest24 to share your progress with other researchers, and follow @researchersated and @IAD4PhD to keep up to date with what is happening during the month.Share any writing top tips and/or writing achievements on our WriteFest PadletAlso use the Academic Writing Month hashtag #AcriWriMo to get some inspiration from Academic Writing month overall.DateWorkshopTimeAudienceStaff Booking LinkStudent Booking LinkMonday 4th NovemberMorning Writing Retreat (On Campus)09:30-12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3zuXIE5https://edin.ac/4eHoM1CMonday 4th NovemberAcademic Writer – Creative Writer (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/3AiWBazTuesday 5th November Researcher Writing Hour (Online)10.00 - 11.10PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/4dpdePvhttps://edin.ac/3Y3NELDTuesday 5th NovemberIs my Writing Academic Enough (On Campus)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/4cme3IrWednesday 6th NovemberHow to Develop an Argument and Structure (Online)14:00-16:00 PGR https://edin.ac/4c1cdMSWednesday 6th NovemberAfternoon Writing Retreat (Online)13.30 - 15.30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/4eN2R9vhttps://edin.ac/4eMI9XfThursday 7th NovemberMorning Writing Retreat (On Campus)09:30 - 12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3XKRZSyhttps://edin.ac/47PfyxWThursday 7th NovemberThesis Writing Bootcamp: Planning, Finishing and Avoiding Pitfalls (Online)13:30 - 16:30PGR https://edin.ac/3M94LoiMonday 11th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)09:30-12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3XFpW6Rhttps://edin.ac/3ZHCXQ2Monday 11th NovemberBeating Writer's Block (CSCE / CMVM) (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/4chz7jeMonday 11th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)13:30 – 16:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3Bm4tbMhttps://edin.ac/3N26xZ6Tuesday 12th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)09:30 - 12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/4ekbhFchttps://edin.ac/47QH0vpTuesday 12th NovemberWriting Well: Language and Style (On Campus)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/4cjFtyJTuesday 12th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)13:30 – 16:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/4gAfAOxhttps://edin.ac/47LltnGWednesday 13th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)09:30-12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3TKimGUhttps://edin.ac/3XEhogJWednesday 13th NovemberHow can supervisors help PhD students develop their academic writing?9:30 - 11.30RShttps://edin.ac/3AqCNBO Wednesday 13th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)13:30 – 16:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3NnfUTrhttps://edin.ac/47EVD53Thursday 14th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)09:30-12:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3ZBSroLhttps://edin.ac/3XGmYz2Thursday 14th NovemberRoom to Write (On Campus)13:30 – 16:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/47LiGLfhttps://edin.ac/3zJ1zgzMonday 18th NovemberResearcher Writing Hour (Online)10:00 – 11:15PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/47PzG31https://edin.ac/4eIOFy3Monday 18th NovemberPlanning and Preparing Research Funding Proposals (On Campus)9:30 - 14:30RShttps://edin.ac/4fe8i2b Monday 18th NovemberWriting a Literature Review (CSCE/CMVM) (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/3AlNExfTuesday 19th NovemberAcademic Writer: Creative Writer (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR https://edin.ac/3WHihEQWednesday 20th NovemberPI Afternoon Writing Retreat (Hybrid)13:30 - 16:30PI'sOnline https://edin.ac/3YoV3pt On Campus https://edin.ac/3YoYvAh Wednesday 20th NovemberCollaborative Writing and Publishing (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/4dkEI9Jhttps://edin.ac/3WFziiFThursday 21st NovemberMorning Writing Retreat (Online)09:30 – 11:30PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/3BlPHBEhttps://edin.ac/3zukYSDTuesday 26th NovemberHow to Write an Abstract (On Campus)10:00 - 12:00PGR https://edin.ac/3LCBNNqTuesday 26th NovemberWriting freely: blogging about your research (Online)10:00 - 13:00PGR/RShttps://edin.ac/47QKpu0https://edin.ac/4dB5IS0Wednesday 27th NovemberIAD Narrative CV Writing Retreat (On Campus)09.00 - 13.00PI'shttps://edin.ac/3TQpRMt Thursday 28th NovemberPI Power Hour (Online)9:30 - 10:40PI'shttps://edin.ac/46ojgOD Thursday 28th NovemberEdit your Work Workshop (On Campus)13:30 -16:30PGR https://edin.ac/4cWEK7MTo attend a writing retreatChoose the one(s) that suit you best (please check you are eligible to attend) and book your place. Note: If you are having trouble booking onto multiple writing retreats, please contact iad.researchers@ed.a.uk and we can register a place on your behalf.This 1-minute video covers what the retreat sessions will, and won't (!) involve.What is a writing retreat? - video (YouTube)Resources and SupportWriting Resources: Guides and resources on different writing topics, to give you an opportunity to focus on specific areas of your writing.Writing Retreat Facilitators Guide (PDF): You may also be interested in running your own writing retreats and to help with this the IAD have produced a ‘Facilitators Guide’ to give you an idea of the structure of different retreats, the things to think about before and during the retreat and your role as facilitator. If you run a retreat during November, please let us know!Teaching Matters is the University of Edinburgh’s website and blog for debate about learning and teaching, for sharing ideas and approaches to teaching, and for showcasing our successes, including academic colleagues who are leading the way in delivering brilliant teaching.Academic Writing: Resources designed to support postgraduate level academic writing skills: the eWriting online course, Writing a First Year Report independent study course, and Writing Up Qualitative Research independent study course.English Language Education (ELE): offers workshops and one-to-one academic writing tutorials for all postgraduate students (PGT and PGR)Dissertation and Thesis Festival: The Library's Dissertation and Thesis Festival brings together the support that the Library, Digital Skills and IAD provides for students undertaking their dissertations and theses. The Autumn Dissertation and Thesis Festival runs from 30 October - 10 November 2023.Royal Literary Fund Fellow: Improve your academic writing by working with a fellow from the Royal Literary Fund. The Royal Literary Fund Fellowship scheme was set up to place professional writers in higher education institutions to offer writing support to all students. The principal aim of the Fellow’s work is to foster good writing practice across all disciplines and media.WriteFest StatsAs part of WriteFest we will be asking researchers to capture how many words have been written. If researchers are happy to share their word counts, it will allow us to include a tally on this web page showing the collective number of words written during the whole of the month, demonstrating how powerful writing retreats can be, to get writing done!Any questions?Please contact us at: iad.researchers@ed.ac.uk This article was published on 2024-02-26