Lecture recording for inclusive education

Lecture recording for inclusive education.

School: Moray House School of Education

Team Members: Jeremy Knox, Yuchen Wang, George Low


Recent developments have seen higher education institutions beginning to deploy lecture recording services for on-campus students.  However, these systems are usually perceived simply as a way of providing a substitute for missed lectures, and research has tended to focus on the relationships between lecture recording and educational performance or attendance. 

While the focus on student attainment is valuable, lecture recording technologies offer much more potential as services which can enhance student experience and work towards the broader goals of inclusion and diversity, health and wellbeing. 

This project will devise ways of utilising lecture recording to facilitate inclusivity in teaching and learning, in response to increasing student diversity at the University of Edinburgh.  The research team will develop a comprehensive understanding of the use of lecture recording by diverse student groups and teaching staff, employing two complimentary stages of research: 1) quantitative data analysis of Media Hopper and Student Records data and 2) in-depth semi-structured interviews with identified students and staff. 

These data from this research will inform the development of guidelines to: support University strategies in excellent teaching and student support; develop the ways technologies are used to widen access; and cultivate a sense of community and belonging for all students.  High-impact publications and presentations will also ensure that the research is disseminated amongst the higher education research community.

Final project report

Download the final project report (PDF)

Other project outcomes

Teaching Matters blog  (University of Edinburgh)