
Get funding to run your own development initiatives, support further research, or start up a business.

Funding for your research

Knowing where and how to apply for funding is a crucial skill for any researcher. The IAD works closely with the University's Research Support Office to ensure you have the skills and information you might need in the future.

The University's Research Support office and the IAD deliver a course to help PhD students locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. This course is suitable for researchers in the second or third year of their PhD and for researchers who have recently completed a PhD. Information on events that cover funding opportunities and proposal writing is available from the Research Support Office's website.

Research support and development events

University support

The Edinburgh Research Office provide a range of support for researchers within the University, including support related to research funding.

Their teams can assist with applications for funding by making sure researchers are aware of relevant opportunities and sharing best practice on application writing. Once the funder and scheme is identified the relevant College team can provide costings and advice on the application before providing the institutional authorisation. Teams work in close collaboration with research support staff in your school or research centre.

Edinburgh Research Office

Business funding support

Do you have a business idea, but not sure how to fund it? The University can provide guidance to help you.

Raising finance can be a difficult concept to deal with when starting your business. There are lots of things to consider; with different types of funding available, knowing which organisations can help with finding finance, to how much finance will be required. Knowing the best way to proceed can be daunting.

Edinburgh Innovations offer a free support service for University of Edinburgh students who want to start a business. They can help with advice on funding, and help you in applying for funding. They can advise on the type of loans and grants that are available and other organisations that provide finance advice and support.

Edinburgh Innovations - for students website