Practical suggestions on setting up and maintaining a local society. Before you consider setting up a society, check if there are any existing societies in your School/Centre that you could join. If there isn't a current society, the following videos from other society members might give you some useful tips on how to set up a society and how to deal with common challenges, as well as where to find funding. HTML Further advice Check out other research staff societies on the 'About research staff societies' page. Find out who else would be interested in helping you organise and run a society. Speak to the relevant Centre or School staff e.g. Head of Centre/School, School Administrator, any senior managers with responsibilities for research issues, etc, to gain their support and views. Ask everyone interested what they would want from a society, and set out a brief statement of what you are hoping to achieve. Use Setting up a society (PPT) slides to discuss ideas, identify purpose and structure and move forward to establishing a society. Get ideas for events on our ‘Showcasing society events page’. The UKRSA have produced A Guide to Research Staff Associations, with detailed advice and examples of how to set up and run a society. Funding for societies You may need to think about obtaining specific funding. Speak to your School/Centre to see if they have any funding available. This article was published on 2024-02-26