Extending an audio-feedback tool into new contexts: student and staff experiences. Principal applicant: Professor Susan Rhind Team members: Professor Graham Pettigrew Dr Catriona Bell Dr Claire Phillips Ms Rachel Whittington Dr G Pearson Ms S Spielman Ms Emma Grant Abstract As part of on-going research we are uncovering a strong sense of the additional benefits the use of audio can bring to building the staff: student relationship and promoting a positive student experience. The aim of this project is to explore the use of audio feedback in different contexts across the BVM&S curriculum - extending its current use from specific feedback around assessment points to more general commentary and feedback as part of the new personal tutor system. This will be a key component of our new personal tutor system which is being developed as part of the University wide changes to student support. We hypothesise that with increasing class sizes and the intensive nature of our programme, a lack of sense of community has emerged and students often feel anonymous within their year-groups. Whilst our focus is very much on the student experience, we are also very interested in exploring the staff experience of engaging with this method of communicating with students. There have been very few published studies which include analysis of the staff experience with audiofeedback and none that we are aware of where detailed reflections are captured over the course of an academic year". Central to this work is the recruitment of an MSc student which will allow another graduate with an interest in veterinary education an opportunity to develop skills and experience in educational research. Final project report Final project report (PDF) Other project outcomes Experiences and reflections from this project's work have been included in the following: 1. Rhind, S. M., Pettigrew, G. W., Spiller, J. & Pearson, G. (2013) Student Experiences with Audio Feedback in a Veterinary Curriculum. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 40, 1, p. 12 2. Rhind, S. M., Pettigrew, G. W., Spiller, J. Audio-feedback: Student Experiences Across Courses and Contexts. Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference; Prague 2013 3. Rhind, S.M. Assessment Literacy: Research, Reflection and Action. VETED Annual Symposium. Bristol 2014. This article was published on 2024-02-26