Online toolkits

Guidance and key resources to help navigate your role

The online toolkits provide an in-depth introduction to specific aspects of the PI role, summarising essential policies, regulations and procedures with structured guidance, downloadable help-sheets and links to further resources to help you navigate through the key requirements. The online toolkits are self-paced and can be accessed at any time.  

Recruitment and induction toolkit

This toolkit aims to support new research leaders recruiting to their team for the first time, particularly researchers who are new to the UK. It also supports those looking to improve their recruitment practice for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). It will introduce you to the entire process, from designing a recruitment strategy right through to welcoming your new team members. The toolkit offers general guidance on recruitment, embeds good practice in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and will signpost you to things you need to know and people you need to speak to at Edinburgh University. 

Looking for an in-depth introduction? 

If you’re new to recruitment, why not make your way through our detailed and structured exploration of everything you’d need to know to get started. A thorough guide to recruitment with downloadable helpsheets and links to further resources.

Toolkit hosted in People and Money Learning app - UoE staff log-in required.

Good research practice toolkit 

This toolkit provides a foundation for conducting responsible and ethical research at the University of Edinburgh and is particularly relevant for staff who are new to the UK, to the university, or for those looking to refresh their knowledge and practice. The toolkit includes several modules for an in-depth introduction to research integrity and ethics, supporting researchers from all disciplines to enhance their research practice. 

Toolkit hosted in People and Money Learning app - UoE staff log-in required. 

Online toolkits provided by external providers

Future Leaders Fellows Development Network - Influencing Toolkit - This toolkit is designed to help you think about how to grow your influence, to bring about change as a new research and innovation leader. It has been designed with input from UKRI Future Leaders Fellows on what they find most challenging about influencing, as well as the strategies that worked for them. 

Future Leaders Fellows Development Network - UK Research Landscape Toolkit: This toolkit aims to support research leaders to navigate the UK’s complex and fast-changing research environment. It will also be helpful for managers of researchers and professional services staff who support others in their professional development, and early-career researchers who are seeking to deepen their understanding of the funding landscape and how it might impact their career. It will introduce you to the key shapers, from the UK government to funders, and from institutions to the Research Excellence Framework. 

Other relevant online resources provided by other services

Engage - Engage is a new online learning programme that consolidates training and events offered by Edinburgh Innovations to give you the tools and confidence to grasp commercial opportunities and supports translation of your research. 

Engagement for Impact Hub - The Hub is designed to help you develop impact from your research. The Hub takes you through some of the basics on engagement and impact, and provides more in-depth resources and guidance, depending on where you are on your impact journey. 

Funded Research - Pathways to Academic Independence - The course is available to all staff at the University and is discipline-neutral, providing a set of learning modules that will support events led by Edinburgh Research Office and the activity they undertake in proposal development and improving the general skills base of academic researchers. The modules have been designed to give anyone the basic knowledge on how to start applying for funding as a principal investigator or becoming a funded research fellow.  

You can view a wider set of online resources by all services on the Research Staff Hub.