Social justice development

Future professionals' perceptions of the impact of programme curriculum, pedagogies and wider university environment on their development as agents of social justice

Team Members : Nataša Pantić, Rowena Arshad, Lani Florian, Amanda Martindale, Akwugo Emejulu, Ann Rae, Andrew Horrell, Carolin Kreber (Moray House School of Education), Christine Bell (Global Justice Academy), Michelle Brown and Elizabeth Cooper (University Department of Social Responsibility and Sustainability) and Research Assistant Mary Taiwo


A dimension of academic programmes that is of great significance to the education of socially responsible professionals is the development of their capacities to enact principles of social justice in the many different and varied professional contexts in which they will work. One of the graduate attributes promoted by the UoE is an understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities and issues.

The proposed project explores how University curricula and pedagogies designed to promote these attributes in graduates, and the larger campus climate within which formal academic study takes place, are perceived by students to contribute to shaping their views of their professional roles and practices.

The sites for this research are 4 programmes across 2 schools (serving over 500 students) designed to promote socially just practices in educational, legal and community-based work settings. Students from these programmes will be engaged in a study of: A) their views of their professional roles and practices as agents of social justice; B) their perceptions of the influences of the programmes’ curricula and pedagogies, as well as the broader university environment on shaping those views.

The findings will be used to inform and enhance the programmes across the respective Schools and beyond. The research will be disseminated widely within the University community, for example, through the Global Justice Academy and the Institute for Academic Development and made available on relevant websites to colleagues seeking to explore the impact of programmes on developing graduates’ capacities to contribute to social justice agendas in other disciplines.

Final Project Report

The final project report may be downloaded here.

Social justice development - project final report (PDF)