Writing retreats

Protected writing time to progress on projects

Opportunities for protected and focused writing time in a structured and supportive environment to progress on projects. These sessions are not writing workshops, they are simply a dedicated space and time to write, strengthened by accountability and peer support. Participants should come to the session with an idea of what they are going to be working on and be ready to switch off other distractions to just write. There are a variety of writing retreats to choose from to suit your schedule and needs.

These online writing retreats provide a short period of protected writing time to focus on a project of your choice. These sessions will include a 5-minute check-in and goal setting at the start, 60 min of focused writing, and 5 min to follow up at the end. These sessions will occur every last Thursday of the month online on Teams, 9:30-10:40.

These half-day writing retreats provide a longer period of protected writing time with options to attend in-person if you prefer to get away from your office, or online if you prefer to write in your own space. These sessions will include 10 min of check-in and goal setting at the start, two separate blocks of focused writing with a break in between, and 10 min to follow up at the end. These sessions will occur every third Wednesday of the month, 13:30 – 16:30, and you can attend in-person in the IAD offices or online on Teams.

Upcoming writing retreats

Writing retreat  Date & Time  Online booking link  In-person booking link
PI writing retreat  Sep 18, 2024, 13:30-16:30, in-person or online  https://edin.ac/3A2yjkU https://edin.ac/3WcPO9o
PI Power Hour  

Sep 26, 2024, 9:30-10:40, online 

PI writing retreat  Oct 23, 2024, 13:30-16:30, in-person or online  https://edin.ac/4cb2bc6 https://edin.ac/3Yqn4Ng 
PI Power Hour   Oct 31, 2024, 9:30-10:40, online  https://edin.ac/3YnKxi0  
PI writing retreat  Nov 20, 2024, 13:30-16:30, in-person or online  https://edin.ac/3YoV3pt  https://edin.ac/3YoYvAh 
PI Power Hour   Nov 28, 2024, 9:30-10:40, online  https://edin.ac/46ojgOD   


Further writing retreats

For further opportunities for writing retreats open to all researchers, see our other writing retreat offers here.