Dr Fiona Philippi

Dr Fiona Philippi, Head of Researcher Development

Dr Fiona Philippi

Head of Researcher Development | Assistant Director, IAD

Contact details

Role in the IAD

My role is to lead the Researcher Development team which provides our extensive provision for researchers at all levels of their careers. This includes our programmes of workshops, resources and support for research staff, Principal Investigators and project leads, postgraduate researchers and research supervisors. I am the senior manager champion for the Concordat for the Career Development of Researchers and oversee our institutional reporting for progress against our Concordat action plan. Our team oversees the Research Staff Hub and supports the Doctoral College. Recently we have also taken on the oversight of the University Research Cultures Action Plan, this is led by Alex Peden, the Head of Research Cultures.

I sit on the University Research Strategy Group, the Doctoral College Management and Operations Groups and the Research Cultures Delivery Group and work closely with a range of colleagues from across the University to develop training and development opportunities for researchers and enhance research cultures and environments. In IAD, I am a member of the Planning Group. Externally, I am a member of several Scottish and UK groups for researcher developers.

Professional interests

I have a particular interest in doctoral education and support for supervision and have presented on this work at several conferences. I have also facilitated various workshops internationally, have experience in institutional review, and am currently a peer reviewer for the UK process of the HR Excellence in Research Award. In the past I  have contributed to the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAP) and have mentored participants on the Edinburgh Teaching Award. I am currently working towards an Advanced Certificate in Coaching Practice.

Selected Publications

For a list of our publications, please visit the IAD website:

Researcher Development team publications and outputs