Links to Principal's Teaching Award Scheme project abstracts and reports on the theme of academic and personal support. Critical skills in politics and international relations Ways of thinking and practising in Chinese and Japanese studies PeerWisdom: Evaluating and boosting biology student benefits from the PeerWise online learning tool Leveraging digital technologies to enhance feedback, Part 2: bootstrapping blogs for peer review on written work Extending an audio-feedback tool into new contexts: student and staff experiences Websites and the creation of community: flexible learning for 2nd year English Literature students Improved data collection, analysis and student support in Mathematics A comparative study of home and international students' expectations and achievements in sciences, maths and engineering disciplines Development and evaluation of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) in the veterinary curriculum: platform for a new undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education Guiding, monitoring and enhancing autonomous postgraduate learning abroad with virtual learning environments Delivering innovative personalised feedback for large multi-station practical assessments Transitions between academic cultures: developing culture specific understandings of critical reading among higher degree students Evaluating the long-lasting benefits of integrated assessment and feedback practices on academic skills and performance of undergraduate SBMS students From periphery to core: personal tutoring in transition Managing your digital footprint (research strand) An open-source early warning system and workshop for students at risk of failing Dissertations at a distance - success for online distance learners at independent research stage Developing doctoral students as (collaborative) writers A qualitative exploration of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary simulated learning in the acquisition of clinical skills and students decision making Diversity Reading List The disciplinary effect on early career teachers Approaches to teaching human empathy How do students and staff view assessment: 'Of', 'In' or 'As' learning? Using gesture recognition system for hand hygiene training Evaluating professional internships for PhD Students Learning about the limitations of medicine - exploring barriers to effective learning Development and evaluation of a contextualised intervention to embed resilience training into the core veterinary curriculum The English Bonus? Assessing the impact of non-credit English and academic writing 'Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn'. Empowering postgraduate students in history to become better teachers Implementing lessons learned on embedded study skills provision for first year undergraduate students of Politics & International Relations Creating opportunities for students through the development of an anatomy bodypainting workbook Telling it like it is! Nursing students exchanging knowledge and experience through stories Pre-laboratory peer assessed skills in inorganic chemistry and PRELAB-e (Pre-laboratory e-resources to enable student preparation of practical work) Between paradigms: building competence in social sciences for students of medical sciences "What are you going to do with that?" The HCA Degree and Employability Developing Context-Based Physical Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Skills development and employability in the Business School Undergraduate curriculum Asking the right question Making students curious: using an app-based walking tour as a pedagogical tool Exploring students' experiences of finding and accessing academic writing support The role of the Programme Director in Taught Postgraduate Programmes Helping students to write readable code - a peer approach using ACJ Exploring the attitudes and learning needs of student nurses in relation to care home nursing Teaching for critical thinking in business: developing the active teacher to support student critical thinking Improving the mathematics diagnostic test How do our teachers prepare their students to face wicked problems? Coding club - a peer-to-peer learning environment to surmount statistics anxiety and code fear Edinburgh Arabic Learning Evaluation Project (EALEP) Comparing the First Year Student Transition Experience in the Biomedical Sciences Programme at the University of Edinburgh and Zhejiang University Data Fairs, Matchmaking and Collaboration Patterns for Improving Data Science Teaching Vets at "Play" Developing a pre-entry online Chemistry course for offer holders with widening participation backgrounds. Writing Centre 2-year pilot in the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology EdAR – Educational Apps in Augmented and Mixed Reality Do you really belong? Understanding the BAME attainment gap at Edinburgh University Establishing the Dick Vet Immersive Simulation Environment (DiVISE) Using 3D-printing technology to create novel simulator models for the performance of cerebrospinal fluid sampling J-YAP Inter-University Support Project Personal Values in Postgraduate University Student Engagement: a Creative Participatory Action Research Project Through the patient's eyes: using virtual reality to teach empathy to medical and nursing students Empathy and compassion in work and life Supporting teacher reflection through visualisation of classroom practices data Empowering student teachers to improve classroom practice using the Lesson Study model: teacher research for the next generation? Co-creating curriculum through the course Understanding Gender in the Contemporary World Beginning university during SARS-CoV-2 restrictions: How can the University of Edinburgh meet the needs of students belonging to a Widening Participation group? Critical Thinking Retreat: Using situated simulations to develop researcher positioning in master’s students An exploratory project: Enhancing students' experience through co-constructing academic community A gamification approach to enhancing student empathy towards laboratory animals Living and Studying at Home: Commuter Students in the Aftermath of the Pandemic Recreating the BBC class calculator: A project in open science pedagogy Making connections to the ‘real’ world: further developing teacher vision in Initial Teacher Education Paws on Campus: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Canine-assisted Intervention for Student Wellbeing This article was published on 2024-02-26