We offer courses tailored to those in the first year of research. Other units can offer more specialised help, such as English language courses. Training coursesWe recommend attending some of the following courses we run:Plan your PhDInformation ResourcesHow to be an Effective ResearcherRelevant IT coursesGetting started with Postgraduate ResearchFind out about these and our full range of training courses by visiting the courses and events pages.Courses and events for PhD studentsYou may also find the research data management online course 'MANTRA' useful:MANTRA: research data management online course for PhD studentsWriting a first year reportThe University's English Language Education unit (ELE) offer a 'Writing Your PhD First-Year Report' course. It can be studies online or on campus. The course is designed to support University of Edinburgh research students in their first year as they prepare their First-Year Report. It focuses on enhancing academic literacies essential for scholarly writing. Through lectures, analysis of authentic reports, and weekly tasks, you will learn about the typical structures and language features of these documents.You can find out more at the ELE website:Writing up a first year reportSupport for teachingInformation about:courses and events for tutors and demonstratorsadvice and support for tutoring and demonstratingresources for tutors and demonstrators Tutors and demonstrators: further queries and contact details Contact details Email: iad.tutdem@ed.ac.uk Support for tutors and demonstratorsResourcesYou may also find it useful to download the PhD Planner.Download the PhD plannerDoing a skills audit to help plan your developmentDoing an audit (i.e. an assessment) of your skills now is useful; if you can identify what skills are important to your research success, and whether you are strong or weak in these areas. You can then focus your precious time on developing the areas that will help you most.Other sources of supportInternational StudentsGet help with English language skills; sign up to some of the training offered by English Language Education.Find out about the English Language EducationThe University's Immigration Advisory Service can offer advice and support throughout your time in Edinburgh.Get help from the University’s Student Immigration Advisory ServiceVitaeIt is also worth looking at the advice and resources available from Vitae, the UK’s national body for supporting research students and staff.Vitae: planning your doctorate wall plannerVitae: guidance on planning your development as a researcher This article was published on 2024-02-26