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Institute for Academic Development
Subsite menu
Study Hub: learning resources
Exam Bootcamp
Study advice and support
Good academic practice
Supporting you with your studies – short video
Postgraduate taught students
Doctoral researchers
Research roles
Research roles
Postgraduate researchers
Research staff
Postgraduate research supervisors & examiners
Principal Investigators
Training brochures
Leadership resources and coaching for researcher representatives
Writing support for researchers
Researcher development team publications and outputs
Co-Creating a new Development Needs Analysis for Postgraduate Researchers
Learning & teaching roles
Learning & teaching roles
Teaching roles & assessment
Accreditation, programmes & events
Funding opportunities
Connecting with us & other staff
Videos - Support for your teaching at the IAD
Developing as a new teacher
Sharing practice
Working with us
Working with us
Workshop design and facilitation
Support for funding applications
Support for other events
Information for external training providers
National and international links
IAD support & funding
IAD support & funding
Quick summary of our funding schemes
Principal's Teaching Award Scheme
Student Partnership Agreement Small Project funding
About us
About us
Staff contacts & generic contact emails
How to find us
Latest news
A-Z IAD activities
IAD newsletters & social media
IAD mailing lists statement
Remit and role
Inclusive and Accessible Learning in the IAD
Attending an IAD Workshop
Social responsibility and sustainability
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Quick glance schedule
Undergraduate study skills workshops
Study Hub: learning resources
Exam Bootcamp
Study advice and support
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Study advice
Study skills consultations
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Study skills consultation - online booking page
Other support services
Good academic practice
Supporting you with your studies – short video
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Postgraduate taught students
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Courses & events
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Open workshops
Programme-specific workshops
Online courses
Quick glance schedule
Supporting you with your studies - video
Learning resources
Study advice
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Study skills consultations - online booking page
Succeeding at masters level
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Postgraduate study at Edinburgh
Preparing for change
Preparing for your studies
Career development
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Career planning and support
PebblePad e-portfolios
Doctoral study
Business start up
Supporting you with your studies - video
Doctoral researchers
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Courses & events
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Course list
Workshops by theme
Workshops mapped to the Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
Humanities & Social Science
Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
College of Science & Engineering
Training information
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IAD PGR Facilitator Profiles
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Mimo Caenepeel
Iain Davidson
Dave Filipović-Carter
Robin Henderson
Steve Hutchinson
David Jones
Hugh Kearns
Anna Pilz
Nathan Ryder
Mel Sherwood
Joanna Young
Booking and cancelling
Eligibility criteria
Contact information
Online courses
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Academic writing
Research Ethics and Integrity - an introduction
Data management training
Research Impact: Creating Meaning and Value
Getting Started with Postgraduate Research
At a glance - workshops this month
Advice & support
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Online Resources
Your PhD journey
New PhD students
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First steps
Training suggestions
Mid-stage PhD
Writing up your PhD
Codes of Practice and regulations
Leadership resources for researcher representatives
Contact us
Newsletter for PhD researchers
Career management
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Career management
Assessing your skills
Using the Careers Service
Career case studies
Find a job
Entrepreneurial career support
Principal's Career Development Scholars
International 3 Minute Thesis competition
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About 3 Minute Thesis
2025 3MT Final
Information for competition entrants
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Stages of the competition
How to enter
Tips for success
Training available
Frequently Asked Questions
History of the competition
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Previous winners and runners up
2024 3MT Finalists Videos
2023 3MT Finalists Videos
2022 3MT Finalist Videos
Previous finalists
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Michaela Raab
Julia Smith
Zahra Jaffer
Bérengère Digard
Gavin Woolman
Amelia Howarth
Priya Hari
Madeleine Long
Donald Slater
Mandan Kazzazi
Tomke Kossen-Veenhuis
Alison Wheatley
Resources for staff who support doctoral researchers
Research roles
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Postgraduate researchers
Research staff
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Courses, events & online resources
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Complete course list
Online resources
At a glance - workshops this month
Research staff facilitator profiles
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Mimo Caenepeel
Darcey Gillie
Robin Henderson
Eleanor Hennige
Steve Hutchinson
Hugh Kearns
Anna Pilz
Mel Sherwood
Joanna Young
Workshops mapped by Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
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Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities
Domain B: Personal effectiveness
Domain C: Research governance and organisation
Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact
Being a researcher at Edinburgh
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Induction Support
Guide for new researchers
The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Code of Practice Management and Career Development of Research Staff
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Code of Practice
Research Staff Code of Practice - Links
Good practice and conduct in research
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Data management training
Research ethics and integrity
Researcher Realities
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About Researcher Realities
Researcher Realities annual event
Networks and societies
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Research staff societies
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About research staff societies
Benefits of a society
Setting up a society
Support, resources and networks
How to keep informed
Showcasing society events and impacts
Successful female careers
Video playlist
UK Research Staff Association
Online networks and forums
Support services
Professional development
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Writing retreats
Leadership in research
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Research leader programme
Developing your leadership as a researcher
Scottish Crucible
Other leadership support in the University
Career management
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Careers workshops
Careers Month
Career development consultation
Building employability: micro workshop videos
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Career values and drivers: micro workshop
Capitalise on your research skills to find a career path: micro workshop
Benchmarking: micro workshop
Creating CVs for careers beyond academia: micro workshop
Career management guide
Audit your skills
Careers resources
Career case studies
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Video case studies
Written case studies
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Clinical trials manager
Academic developer: researcher development
Senior product engineer
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What is mentoring?
What mentoring support is available?
Mentoring Circles - Postdocs
Other one-to-one support opportunities
Thriving in your research position
Researcher development framework
Narrative CVs
Gaining relevant work experience
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Research projects
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Making your research open access
Research funding
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IAD funding schemes
University support for funding
Research-led teaching
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Research connections & collaborations
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Research Impact: Creating Meaning and Value
How to keep up to date
Postgraduate research supervisors & examiners
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Fundamentals of PhD Supervision
Fundamentals of PhD Examination
Events, workshops and activities
University-wide Research Supervisor Community of Practice (CoP)
Codes & regulations
Resources and tools
Contact details
Principal Investigators
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At-a-glance events for PIs
Spotlight sessions
Online toolkits
Panels & Workshops
Leadership development programmes
Writing retreats
Personalised development
Other resources for PIs
News and Contact
Training brochures
Leadership resources and coaching for researcher representatives
Writing support for researchers
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WriteFest 2024
The Conversation - Media Training
Researcher development team publications and outputs
Co-Creating a new Development Needs Analysis for Postgraduate Researchers
Learning & teaching roles
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Teaching roles & assessment
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Tutors & demonstrators
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Orientation courses
Enhanced development courses
Courses for online tutors
Workshop dates and booking links
Fundamentals of Teaching
Accreditation for tutors & demonstrators
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Tutoring and Demonstrating: a Handbook
SharePoint resources
Tutors & demonstrators mailing list
Staff supporting tutors
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Individual consultations
SharePoint resources
Guidance on University policy
Student assessment & feedback
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Assessment & feedback basic guidance
Designing online assessment and exams
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Approach to assessment design
Assessment types and their pros and cons
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At-home open-book written work (long form)
At-home short duration open-book MCQ or short answer questions
At-home closed-book assessments
Live online oral assessment (viva)
Presentations and performances
Submitted video, audio or other media
Reflective journals
Minimising cheating
Further information
Moderation guidance
Courses and support
Further reading
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General resources
Specific techniques
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Peer assessment
Group assessment
Assessing portfolios
Online computerised tests
Assessing online courses
In-class assessment
Principles of good formative assessment
Student engagement
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Student Partnership Agreement
Student engagement resources
Coffee and cake conversations
Student engagement network, workshops and events
Supporting student group work
Digital education
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Embedding digital pedagogy
Online learning network
Events & workshops
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)
Programme & course design
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Curriculum design - accessibility and inclusivity
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Inclusive curriculum
Resources - by College
Resources - by topic
Resources - general
Cohort leads
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What is a Cohort Lead?
Getting students talking in groups
Topics for the first meeting with students in your cohorts
Creating community and engagement
Inclusion and widening participation
Transitions and study skills
Accessible and Inclusive Learning
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Course outline and reading lists
Prioritised reading lists
Providing lecture outlines before class
Providing keywords and formulae
Email notification of cancellation / changes
Lecture recording for personal use
Using microphones in lectures
Inclusive course design
Accessible resources
Benefits to teaching staff
About the development of this policy
Mentoring & giving guidance
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Academic advice and study development
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Study guidance
Support resources
Feedback on your teaching
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Peer Observation of Teaching
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Definition, aims and benefits
Before the observation
During the observation
After the observation
Next steps and further reading
Reviewing your teaching
Mid-course feedback
Feedback from students
Feedback for course teams
Self reflection
The Experience of Learning
Accreditation, programmes & events
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CPD framework: learning and teaching
Edinburgh Teaching Award
Introduction to Academic Practice
Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PgCAP)
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Registration and fees
Programme Structure (December 2017-December 2022)
Programme structure (2023 onwards)
Workshops & events
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Learning & Teaching workshops overview
Learning & Teaching Conference
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Call for Proposals
Talking about Teaching series
AdvanceHE - membership benefits for UoE staff
Advance HE - Teaching Excellence Awards (NTFS and CATE)
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About the Teaching Excellence Awards (NTFS and CATE)
The University of Edinburgh NTF and CATE nomination process
Nominations for 2022
Prioritising IAD funding for direct applications to AdvanceHE
Funding opportunities
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Principal's Teaching Award Scheme
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About the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme
Applying to the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme
Reporting on your PTAS project
Ongoing & previous PTAS projects
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By year
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March 2024
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Co-creating a culturally responsive pedagogy
Incorporating student perspectives towards Generative AI
Open Educational Resources core engineering mathematics
Commuter students’ experiences of assessment, degree outcomes and labour market prospects
Embedding Accessibility into Higher Education Courses and Programmes
Understanding and Shaping Generative AI Integration in Computer Science Education
Clients as Partners in Education: Valuing and Developing Relationships
October 2023
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Co-Creation of a New Development Needs Analysis for PGR Students
A co-design approach to developing novel clinical reasoning assessments.
Beyond the dissertation
Investigating conceptions and conceptual change in the teaching of large STEM classes
Hearing the silent voices
Towards an ecological pluriversity
A systematic approach to enable production of accessible course materials
Generative AI in education
March 2023
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Mentoring in partnership: Empowering School Based Teacher Educators to develop their practice
Evaluating institutional approaches to portfolio use
Developing evidence-based guidelines to reduce statistics anxiety among university students
Nature connection sessions for student wellbeing
Impact of frequency and scale of coursework in STEM subjects
Sustainable Careers Project
Social Theory Walks: The City of Edinburgh as a teaching space
Decolonising Counselling and Psychotherapy: Reflections from Psychosocial Perspectives
Computational thinking in data science: Strategies for Effective Learning
October 2022
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Making connections to the ‘real’ world: further developing teacher vision in Initial Teacher Education
Research staff: the missing link in teaching and learning?
Paws on Campus: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Canine-assisted Intervention for Student Wellbeing
Crossing the Line: Developing an Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Higher Education
An enhancement-oriented investigation of marking trends and practices in the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh
Sensing in the Community
Set Them Free! Open Publishing of INF1B Course Materials
March 2022
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Our sustainable campus: developing a technology-assisted tour of University of Edinburgh’s sustainable buildings
How is statistical study design and statistical analysis taught in the life sciences?
Assessing medical students’ preparedness to engage in clinical research practice.
A gamification approach to enhancing student empathy towards laboratory animals
Living and Studying at Home: Commuter Students in the Aftermath of the Pandemic
Recreating the BBC class calculator: A project in open science pedagogy
A Data-driven Approach to Supporting Reflection in Edinburgh Teaching Award Scheme Applicants
October 2021
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Hybrid Pioneers: A cross-institute Action Group 2021-2023
Improving the quality of assessment-feedback in postgraduate education; Co- creation of a digital training resource
Enabling mature age working class undergraduate students to succeed at the University of Edinburgh
Amplifying the student voice: co-creation of resources to facilitate student feedback
March 2021
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Developing a framework for inclusiveness in internationalisation
Open to All? Faculty Development for Equitable Participation in Clinical Teaching
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the curriculum: developing a strategic approach in the medical school
Co-creating curriculum through the course Understanding Gender in the Contemporary World
Co-creating an inclusive self-care curriculum to enhance wellbeing and learning for social work students
Developing digital and hybrid mathematics support for long-term improvements in quality and accessibility
Beginning university during SARS-CoV-2 restrictions: meeting the needs of students belonging to a Widening Participation group
Critical Thinking Retreat: Using situated simulations to develop researcher positioning in master’s students
Enhancing students' experience through co-constructing academic community
Integrating student participation and EDI with Board of Studies: towards a community of critical readers
VR Lab: Enable Online Laboratory Teaching through Virtual Reality
Exploring and engaging with student perceptions of digital citizenship
Exploring the relationship between Learning Technologists and teaching staff
The creation and use of low-fidelity models - key surgical skill competence and confidence in final year veterinary students
October 2020
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Student-led portfolio assessment - large pre-honours cross-university elective
Decolonising the Business School Curriculum
Decoding the Interdisciplines: Helping teachers & learners discover unfamiliar ways of thinking
Empathy and compassion in work and life
Supporting teacher reflection through visualisation of classroom practices data
Empowering student teachers to improve classroom practice using the Lesson Study model
Can a pandemic evidence-synthesis group become a model for student development and enhanced learning?
Keeping the Door Open: Curating, developing and evolving University of Edinburgh teaching in spaces and places
Researching widening participation in Engineering: Enrolment, Progression, Attainment and Support Strategy
Exploring online learning as an avenue for equity and decolonial praxis amid the COVID crisis
Developing a tutoring network in Informatics for young people in schools in deprived areas
May 2020
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Predicting academic attainment in case-based discussion board assessments
Using 3D-printing technology to create novel simulator models
J-YAP Inter-University Support Project
Assessment Literacy for Graduate Attribute Enhancement (ALGAE) in Biomedical Sciences
Supporting criteria-based marking
Promoting support to succeed and progress
Personal Values in Postgraduate University Student Engagement
Through the patient's eyes: using virtual reality to teach empathy to medical and nursing students
Aligning skills, assessments and feedback: a programme-level scheme
October 2019
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Do you really belong? Understanding the BAME attainment gap at Edinburgh University
Establishing the Dick Vet Immersive Simulation Environment (DiVISE)
Conversations, community and collegiality: Exploring the effect of blogging on teaching and learning practice
Evaluation of the innovative, interdisciplinary, experiential learning opportunities EPSRC Our Health offer
Developing a disability studies module in the School of Health in Social Science
Mentoring for success: Co-producing a meaningful workplace mentoring scheme
Creation and evaluation of immersive simulation digital media
Student-led neuroscience outreach project aimed at a diverse range of high school pupils
Enhancing International Student Experience at History, Classics & Archaeology
March 2019
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Lecture recordings in everyday study practice
Lecture segmentation and transcription
Edinburgh Award Evaluation
Supporting success for widening participation students
Widening participation in Maths circles
Supporting transition to university mathematics with blended learning
Uncovering uncertainties linked to widening participation
Widening Veterinary Outreach to the Scottish Highlands and Islands
Using UX research methods to inform online course design
Study abroad and disciplinary thinking and practising
Building biological models in minecraft
Understand learning pathways with curriculum analytics
October 2018
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Classroom practices and lecture recording
E-portfolios and developing awareness of graduate attributes
Pre-entry online Chemistry course - widening participation
HCA Writing Centre
Engagement and feedback tools for students
Learning glass: evaluating its use by teachers and students
EdAR – Educational Apps in Augmented and Mixed Reality
March 18
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Lecture recordings - domestic and international student comparison
Teach learn replay
Podcasts to enhance the online distance learning experience
Lecture capture - online learning
Preparing graduates to manage acutely unwell patients
Employability mismatch in veterinary education
Embedding a culture of career learning in the GeoSciences
Students-staff partnership in Biomedical Sciences 2
LLC Knowledge exchange
Archaeology at the Centre for Open learning (COL)
International students' participation PGT first semester
Exploring learning and assessment practices in University and professional workplaces.
Embedding employability in the course approval process
Design-thinking frameworks for future-directing bio-innovation
October 2017
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Lecture recording for inclusive education
Enhancing Engagement with Media Hopper Replay
RMDAS - Research methods, data analysis and statistics course
High school mentoring - physics
The Bottle Imp: a graphic adaption
Supporting transition to the workplace
Research-led virtual field trips
Assessment literacy pyramid
Comparing First Year Student Transition Experiences
Using Media Hopper to enhance peer-teaching
Engagement with the discourse of professional development
Improving Data Science Teaching
Vets at "Play"
March 2017
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ShinyStats statistics training apps
Lecture recording in mathematics and physics
Enriching lecture recording
Exploring engagement with lecture recording
Corpus analysis of student feedback
Students' experiences of academic writing support
Playful Learning - OER Board Game Jams
Promoting a learning community through peer feedback
The role of the PGT Programme Director
Helping students to write readable code
Student nurses' learning - care home nursing
Teaching for critical thinking in business
Improving the mathematics diagnostic test
Preparing students to face wicked problems
A curriculum for climate justice
Coding club
Becoming Agents of Change
October 2016
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"What are you going to do with that?" The HCA Degree and Employability
Developing Context-Based Physical Chemistry Laboratory Investigations
Experiential learning in communities: developing and testing a framework for evaluation
'From the door of our tent' : an online journal of creative and contemporary ethnographic work
Formative assessment: how useful is it, who does it help the most, and how can we improve it further?
Exploring flexible modes of online education
Skills development and employability in the Business School Undergraduate curriculum
Asking the right question
Making students curious: using an app-based walking tour as a pedagogical tool
March 2016
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"A live pulse": Yik Yak for understanding teaching, learning and assessment
Physical activity in medical education: a flipped classroom approach
The Law School history wall project
Every student a researcher: blogging as a form of student assessment
Learning about the limitations of medicine
Embedding resilience training into the core veterinary curriculum
The English Bonus?
Theory on stage
Empowering postgraduate students in history to become better teachers
Implementing lessons learned on embedded study skills provision
Developing an anatomy bodypainting workbook
Nursing students exchanging knowledge and experience through stories
Pre-laboratory peer assessed skills in inorganic chemistry
Enhancing assessment literacy and scorer reliability
Building competence in social sciences for students of medical sciences
October 2015
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Diversity Reading List
The disciplinary effect on early career teachers
Approaches to teaching human empathy
Trading simulation platforms in finance education
How do students and staff view assessment: 'Of', 'In' or 'As' learning?
Using gesture recognition system for hand hygiene training
What does good teaching look like to students?
Evaluating professional internships for PhD Students
Ways of thinking and practising in IMES
Peer assessing laboratory skills
Understanding the learning experience from voluntary work
March 2015
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Using feedback postcards
E-Light: Edinburgh, energy and education exchange
Masters degree perceived value
Peer-led PhD training workshops
Preparation for practice
Developing learning for sustainability
Art Beat: Art and anatomy Edinburgh
Enhancing interdisciplinary learning
October 2014
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Developing academic writing using Turnitin
Widening participation - history of art
Embedded study skills & student attainment
Student-led media library development
Teaching international students
Social justice development
Peer support for pre-arrival
Learning in a living lab
March 2014
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Co-development of a flipped classroom strategy
Managing your digital footprint (research strand)
Tactical decision games in teaching
Early warning system - students at risk of failure
A curly arrows app for Chemistry?
Dissertations at a distance
Third space: evaluating a pilot
Doctoral students as (collaborative) writers
Online training - good clinical practice
Tutor feedback - online academic writing courses
Interdisciplinary simulated learning
October 2013
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Integrated assessment and feedback practices
Online reflexive practice
Musical improvisation in higher education
Growing and sustaining an online community
Personal tutoring in transition
March 2013
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Digital detectives
Personalised feedback - multi-station practicals
3-D models for undergraduate education
Innovative environmental analysis teaching
Interactive e-books for engineers
Humanising an asynchronous online course
Social media - teaching and community
Transitions between academic cultures
October 2012
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Data analysis and student support in maths
Student perspectives: generic research methods
Comparative study: expectations and achievements
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) in the vet curriculum
Autonomous postgraduate learning abroad & VLEs
Exploring online distance learning
June 2012
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Critical skills
Introducing psychology
German in the workplace
Ways of thinking & practising
Engineering education & sustainability
Medical students feedback
Alumni mentoring scheme
PeerWise: biology
Digital feedback
Blogs and feedback
Audio feedback
Websites and community
Psychology research with young people
By College
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Humanities & Social Science
Science & Engineering
Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
Other Organisational Units
By theme
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Academic & personal support
Curriculum development
Learning communities
Online & distance learning
Supporting staff
Assessment & feedback
Learning spaces
Lecture recording
Technology in learning & teaching
Widening participation
Funding opportunities
Connecting with us & other staff
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Who to contact
Mailing list & social media
Edinburgh Network: Growing Approaches to Genuine Engagement (ENGAGE)
Directors of Teaching Network
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Network
Board of Studies Network
IAD Masters network
Videos - Support for your teaching at the IAD
Developing as a new teacher
Sharing practice
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Learning & Teaching Conference 2023 resources
Learning & Teaching Conference 2022 resources
Learning & Teaching Conference 2021 resources
Learning & Teaching Conference 2020 resources
Learning & Teaching Conference 2019 resources
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Keynote talks
Conference programme
Slides - morning sessions
Slides - afternoon sessions
Conference posters
Learning & Teaching Conference 2018 resources
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Keynote talks
Conference programme
Parallel sessions: session one
Parallel sessions: session two
Parallel sessions: session three
Parallel sessions: session four
Parallel sessions: session five
Conference posters
5 Minute Teaching Videos
Insight series
Working with us
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Workshop design and facilitation
Support for funding applications
Support for other events
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Types of secondment
Impact and examples
Time commitment and duration
Getting involved
Information for external training providers
National and international links
IAD support & funding
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Quick summary of our funding schemes
Principal's Teaching Award Scheme
Student Partnership Agreement Small Project funding
About us
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Staff contacts & generic contact emails
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IAD staff and contact email addresses
Staff profiles
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Professor Velda McCune
Professor Catherine Bovill
Dr Hazel Christie
Dr Jacqueline Dohaney
Dr Celeste McLaughlin
Dr Donna Murray
Dr Fiona Philippi
Nicola Cuthbert
Dr Darcey Gillie
Eleanor Hennige
Alex Peden
Dr Lindsay Randall
Dr Emily Woollen
Dr Sara Shinton
How to find us
Latest news
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IAD winter closure dates
New Programme and Course Design resource
Postdoc Mentoring Circles - applications now open
WriteFest 2024 - find out more
3 Minute Thesis 2024 - Final
New Head of Research Cultures appointed
Researcher Realities - 30th May
IAD closed - 19th Sep 2022
Learning together in a global pandemic - new report
Co-creating Learning and Teaching
A-Z IAD activities
IAD newsletters & social media
IAD mailing lists statement
Remit and role
Inclusive and Accessible Learning in the IAD
Attending an IAD Workshop
Social responsibility and sustainability
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Managing your digital footprint
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Digital Footprint MOOC
Resources and guidance
Events and workshops
Resources for educators
Digital Footprint research
Secondee projects
Making the Most of Masters
MANTRA: research data management project
Subsite menu
Postgraduate taught students
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Courses & events
Supporting you with your studies - video
Learning resources
Study advice
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Study skills consultations - online booking page
Succeeding at masters level
Career development
Supporting you with your studies - video
Doctoral researchers
Institute for Academic Development
Postgraduate taught students
Study advice
Study skills consultations - online booking page
Study skills consultations - online booking page
Info on IAD study skills consultations and online booking.
This article was published on