Co-Creation of a New Development Needs Analysis for PGR Students. School: Institute for Academic Development with Careers Service, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, Literatures, Languages and Cultures, and History, Classics, and ArchaeologyTeam: Dr Anna Pilz, Dr Fiona Philippi, Dr Sharon Maguire, Dr Tom MacGillivray, Prof Laura Bradley, and Dr Kimberley Czajkowski AbstractWe aim to co-create an evidence-based Development Needs Analysis (DNA) for postgraduate researchers (PhD students; abbreviated as PGRs) that is fit for purpose, attuned to STEM and SHAPE PGRs, and connects research-related considerations to those of broader career development. PTAS funding will enable a timely collaboration between the IAD, Careers Service, and Doctoral College, in partnership with Precision Medicine (PM), the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology (HCA). The project will run over nineteen months and consist of three phases, engaging with the core user groups in each phase: PGRs and supervisors. Phase One will be an evidence-based Learning Needs Analysis via surveys, benchmarking existing Training and/or DNAs across the University and the sector. Phase Two will see the co-creation of a new DNA via focus groups along with the creation of a suite of resources, with a trial implementation in PM’s Doctoral Training Programme and in HCA (AY 2024-5). Phase Three will evaluate the use of the new DNA and materials via surveys and focus groups, resulting in: Open Educational Resources (DNA, resources), and dissemination of findings; a summary report on early adopters with proposal to the Doctoral College, which can consult with College PGR Committees regarding a formal proposal to Senate Education Committee. Project outcomes will enhance the student experience, strengthen collaboration and best-practice sharing among relevant services, inform local and central-level PGR and supervisor training, and potentially lead to cross-University application. This article was published on 2024-10-16