Links to Principal's Teaching Award Scheme project abstracts and reports on the theme of widening participation (WP). Supporting success for widening participation students entering university Widening participation in Maths circles Supporting transition to university mathematics with blended learning 'Feeling like I belong': Uncovering uncertainties linked to widening participation and sense of student alienation in the University Widening Veterinary Outreach to the Scottish Highlands and Islands: A model for the development of widening access engagement in remote and distant locations Do you really belong? Understanding the BAME attainment gap at Edinburgh University Evaluation of the innovative, interdisciplinary, experiential learning opportunities EPSRC Our Health offers for undergraduate, postgraduate and articulating students. Developing a disability studies module in the School of Health in Social Science. Mentoring for success: Co-producing a meaningful workplace mentoring scheme with students and employers Student-led neuroscience outreach project aimed at a diverse range of high school pupils. Enhancing International Student Experience at History, Classics & Archaeology: identifying appropriate academic and pastoral support structures for our overseas student community. Promoting support to succeed and progress, by evaluating student experiences that nurture an environment of inclusivity Through the patient's eyes: using virtual reality to teach empathy to medical and nursing students Researching widening participation in Engineering: Enrolment, Progression, Attainment and Support Strategy Exploring online learning as an avenue for equity and decolonial praxis amid the COVID crisis: re-imagining Africa-UK connections and international development curricula Developing a tutoring network in Informatics for young people in schools in deprived areas Open to All? Faculty Development for Equitable Participation in Clinical Teaching Developing digital and hybrid mathematics support for long-term improvements in quality and accessibility Beginning university during SARS-CoV-2 restrictions: How can the University of Edinburgh meet the needs of students belonging to a Widening Participation group? Living and Studying at Home: Commuter Students in the Aftermath of the Pandemic This article was published on 2024-02-26