Playful Learning - evaluation and development of OER Board Game Jams Team Members: Eva Murzyn, Stephanie (Charlie) Farley School: Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science Abstract The OER Board Game Jam playful learning sessions aim to educate and engage staff and students in the use of Open Educational Resources (OER). This project will assess what impact the Board Game Jams have had on the learning and teaching practice of the attendees. We will conduct a series of focus group interviews with past and current attendees to identify what aspects of the Jam were most beneficial, and find out how to increase its impact on the learning and practice of the attendees. The data will be analysed using Thematic Analysis and will feed forward into a quantitative measure of session impact that can be used across various OER projects. Funding will be used to hire a student to assist with data transcription and coding. The project results will feed into the Playful Engagement strategy being devised for ISG at the University, and will impact future development of engagement, outreach, and teaching services provided by ISG. Final project report Download the final report here (PDF) This article was published on 2024-02-26