Creating community and engagement

A useful selection of blogs, videos and other resources on the theme of creating communities.

An important part of the Cohort Lead roles is helping student feel they belong in their academic communities and that they matter.

Here is a useful selection of blogs, videos and other resources to give you some ideas about how to achieve that:

Use resources for Cohort Leads

'Building community while teaching’ 0 UoE Engage Network session, Wed 5th April 2023 - Crispin Jordan, Lecturer, Biomedical Sciences 

Teaching Matters Newsletter July 2022 – Building Communities

Teaching Matters blog - Building Community theme

Working in partnership towards a whole school community - blog post, Sam Fawkner, Emily Birtles and Giulia Pinton

Care as mattering - blog post, Dr. Omar Kaissi

How to grow peer support, community and belonging for online students

Student SharePoint: Supporting, informing and engaging with our students - recorded talk on Conference paper Sam Fawkner, Emily Birtles & Jiangning Li - Moray House School of Education and Sport

Fostering a Sense of Belonging at our University – a guide for our Schools (PDF)