Other support services

Useful University sources of advice and support that relate to studying and learning.

A to Z of student services

A comprehensive list of topics and organisations within the University who provide advice and assistance.

A to Z of student services

Specific difficulties and conditions

If you have a condition amounting to a disability, or you may have a specific difficulty such as dyslexia, you can go and discuss this with members of staff at the Disability and Learning Support Service:

Disability and Learning Support Service

Emotional health and wellbeing

The Counselling service help students by providing access to self-help resources, a programme of workshops and support groups, and short-term one-to-one professional counselling. 

Student Counselling

There is also a list on the new student webpages of various student wellbeing-focussed services you can access:

Student wellbeing services

Using the library and information searching

The Library section of the University website provides general guidance on searching and locating source materials and how to access e-resources. 

University library

The University’s Academic Support Librarians are assigned to subject areas and offer advice on information resources and how to make effective use of them. 

Academic support librarians

Digital skills and information technology

A wide range of digital tools can be used for learning, conducting and sharing research, and building an online profile. 

Digital skills

Preparing for employability

The Careers Service offer information, advice and guidance. They also organise events, internships (EmployEd) and the Edinburgh Award. 

Careers service

If English is not your first language

Edinburgh University’s English Language Education (ELE) department can provide support andinformation to University of Edinburgh students.

English Language Education