IAD staff and contact email addresses

Contact details for our core staff, plus generic contact email addresses for a range of enquiries.

Getting in touch with us

The Institute for Academic Development continues to offer a mix of online and on-campus activities to staff and students. Do check workshop and event information carefully when booking, to be sure of the mode of delivery. Institute for Academic Development staff are working in a hybrid manner with most staff working part-time on-campus. For enquiries it is generally best to contact staff by email in the first instance. It is generally best to visit the IAD building in person only if you have been invited in for a specific meeting, appointment or to attend a workshop in our building you have pre-booked to attend.

Our address

Institute for Academic Development

Contact details


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British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service.

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Institute for Academic Development staff

If you are not sure who to contact, please use our generic contact email list further down the page, and select the email contact that best fits your enquiry.

If you are a UoE student with a question about credit-bearing courses in your subject area or looking for advice about options courses, please contact your Student Adviser.

IAD Co-Directors

Prof Catherine BovillCo-Director, Institute for Academic Development / Personal Chair of Student Engagement in Higher Educationcatherine.bovill@ed.ac.uk
Olivia EadieCo-Director, Institute for Academic Developmentolivia.eadie@ed.ac.uk
 IAD Co-Directors shared mail boxIADdirector@ed.ac.uk

Learning and Teaching team

Professor Velda McCune

Personal Chair of University Education

Deputy Director, IAD | Head of Learning and Teaching team

Dr Aaron AllenAcademic Developer, Taught Studentsaaron.allen@ed.ac.uk
Dr Hazel ChristieHead of the CPD Framework for Learning and Teaching / Senior Lecturerhazel.christie@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jackie DohaneyLecturer, University Teaching Enhancementj.dohaney@ed.ac.uk
Lesley KellyAcademic Developer, Taught Studentslesley.kelly@ed.ac.uk
Dr Neil LentLecturer (University Learning and Teaching)n.lent@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jenna MannAcademic Developerjenna.mann@ed.ac.uk
Dr Celeste McLaughlinHead of Academic Development for Digital Educationceleste.mclaughlin@ed.ac.uk
Dr Donna MurrayHead of Taught Student Developmentdonna.murray@ed.ac.uk
Emily SalvesenCPD Programme Manageremily.salvesen@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jenny ScolesAcademic Developer, Learning and Teaching Enhancementjenny.scoles@ed.ac.uk
Clair SweeneyAcademic Developerclair.sweeney@ed.ac.uk
Victoria TaitAcademic Developervictoria.tait@ed.ac.uk
Dr Eda UlusAcademic Developereda.ulus@ed.ac.uk

Researcher Development team

Dr Fiona PhilippiAssistant Director, IAD | Head of Researcher Developmentfiona.philippi@ed.ac.uk
Nicola CuthbertResearcher Development Managern.cuthbert@ed.ac.uk
Dr Darcey GillieResearch Staff Careers Consultantdarcey.gillie@ed.ac.uk
Eleanor HennigeResearch Staff Careers Consultanteleanor.hennige@ed.ac.uk
Alex PedenHead of Research Culturesalex.peden@ed.ac.uk
Dr Lindsay RandallAcademic Developer: Researcher Developmentlindsay.randall@ed.ac.uk
Dr Emily WoollenAcademic Developer: Researcher Developmente.woollen@ed.ac.uk
Future Leader Fellows Development Network  
Dr Sara ShintonDirector, Future Leaders Fellows Development Networksara.shinton@ed.ac.uk
Yulia AbramovaProject Manager - Future Leaders Fellows Development Networkyulia.abramova@ed.ac.uk
Gaby CalvertSenior Admin Officer - Future Leaders Fellows Development Networkgcalvert@ed.ac.uk
Frano Loots-Mudra RakshasaEvents Manager - Future Leaders Fellows Development Networkfrano.loots@ed.ac.uk
Bridget MellifontProgrammes Manager and Deputy Director – Future Leader Fellows Development Networkb.mellifont@ed.ac.uk
Dr Katie Nicoll BainesPeople, Culture and Environment Manager – Future Leaders Fellows Development Networkk.nicollbaines@ed.ac.uk

Operations and Projects team

Cheryl ThomasDeputy Head Operations and Projectscheryl.thomas@ed.ac.uk
Stella BraySenior Administrative Officer - Research Cultures & Researcher Developmentstella.bray@ed.ac.uk
Lainey BridgeContent Development and Communications Officerlainey.bridge@ed.ac.uk
Sam CanningSenior Events Officersam.canning@ed.ac.uk
Julie DaubenspeckSenior Events Officerjulie.daubenspeck@ed.ac.uk
Sonia Hadj SaidSenior Administrative Officer CPD and Finance


Finance: iad.finance@ed.ac.uk

Louise McKayEvents Operations and Doctoral Programme Managerlouise.mckay@ed.ac.uk
Karsten MoermanIT Managerkarsten.moerman@ed.ac.uk
Carla PereraEvents Officercarla.perera@ed.ac.uk
Vivian OwusuEvents Officervowusu@ed.ac.uk
Natalie PoyserBusiness Operations Managernatalie.poyser@ed.ac.uk
Brendan SweeneyEvents Officerbsweeney@ed.ac.uk
 Campus phone number to reach the events admin team rota desk - Tel +44 (0)131 651 6662 

Contact email addresses for specific enquiries

These in-boxes are checked by various IAD staff.

Nature of enquiryEmail inbox (monitored by IAD staff)
IAD workshops and resources for undergraduate students and taught postgraduates. (Not 1-1 study skills advice).iad.students@ed.ac.uk
IAD 1-1 study skills advice appointments only. (For undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.)iad.study@ed.ac.uk
IAD workshops, events and resources for postgraduate research students, including the 3 Minute Thesis competition.iad.phd@ed.ac.uk
IAD workshops and resources for academic research staff and Principal Investigators, including the Get Connected Welcome Event for new academics.iad.researchers@ed.ac.uk
IAD careers support for research staff (including career development consultations)ResearchStaff.Careers@ed.ac.uk
IAD workshops, resources and network for postgraduate research supervisors, including our Supervisor Briefing sessions.iad.phdsupervisors@ed.ac.uk
IAD workshops and resources for tutors and demonstratorsiad.tutdem@ed.ac.uk
IAD workshops, events, staff networks, resources and online guidance for staff in learning and teaching roles.iad.teach@ed.ac.uk
Continuing Professional Development Framework for Learning and Teaching, routes to gaining AdvanceHE Fellowship, and the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA).iad.cpdframework@ed.ac.uk
The Postgradute Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAP), including from prospective and on-programme students.iad.pgcert@ed.ac.uk
The Introduction to Academic Practice course, including from prospective and on-programme participants.iad.introAP@ed.ac.uk
Questions about and applying to the Principal's Teaching Award Scheme fundingiad.ptas@ed.ac.uk
Questions about and applying to the Student Partnership Agreement funding schemespa@ed.ac.uk
Enquiries about the University’s Learning and Teaching Conferencelt.conference@ed.ac.uk