Summary tables of other one-to-one support opportunities available both in the University of Edinburgh, and external to the University. The University of Edinburgh offers its staff different opportunities to access 1:1 support, to support career development. Below is a table which lists the different support available. UoE 1:1 SupportType of provision & link to further informationShort summaryDepartment Peer MentoringPeer mentoring offers you the opportunity to connect with a colleague to give and receive support (find it under ‘Introduction to Mentoring’Human Resources Coaching, including digital coachingAccess to external accredited coaches to support you in a range of areas including leadership development, achieving wellbeing and balance and navigating your way through change and transitions. Human Resources Personalised Development - Coaching for researchers (staff only)Short-term personalised development through coaching. This is focused on those who are at a transitional stage of their research journey. This can refer to a range of different situations often encountered by researchers, such as when something significant has or is about to change.Institute for Academic DevelopmentMentoring (via Platform One)The Mentoring Connections programme is available for all staff irrelevant of grade or career background. It is designed to enable Mentees and Mentors to connect with each other with the Mentor offering support and guidance to the Mentee. Human Resources and Institute for Academic DevelopmentJob Shadowing and Mentoring for technical staffAn opportunity for technicians from across the four higher education institutions in Edinburgh to receive mentoring support and undertake job shadowing Human Resources and Institute for Academic DevelopmentCareer Development Consultations for research staffA one-to-one appointment with a professional careers adviser, to discuss career options, pathways and planning strategies, gain practical advice on preparing CV or application or undertaking a mock job interview. Institute for Academic DevelopmentLeadership coaching for researcher representativesA suite of resources and coaching to support researchers to make the most of their roles, focusing on building confidence in leadership. Institute for Academic DevelopmentHow to build your research profile consultations for research staff1:1 consultations for research staff to explore strategies for building your research profile and/or how to develop compelling narratives around various research activities that the researcher to move towards their next research project and career ambitions. Institute for Academic DevelopmentUkraine Mentoring SchemeThrough this initiative, Science for Ukraine-UK aims to assist Ukrainian colleagues in navigating UK academia. The scheme is focused on supporting Ukrainian academics with professional developmentScience for Ukraine-UK initiative External 1:1 supportIn addition to support available within the University, it’s also useful to look at mentoring and 1:1 opportunities external to the university, related to your area of research or interests.Below is a table with a few external schemes listed. If any scheme is missing or its web link below is broken, please let us know at Mentoring SchemesOrganisationWebsiteFurther InformationThe Academy of Medical Sciences Academy's one-to-one Mentoring programme provides post-doctoral and independent biomedical and health researchers with career development support by pairing them with an Academy Fellow Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Fellowship Mentoring Mentors: Formal mentoring programme for the fellows it supports, to ensure that all fellows have at least one mentor who is independent of their research organisation. Royal Society support to first year University Research and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellows.Euraxess Mentoring Programme encourage and to facilitate transnational mobility, by fostering cooperation between the researchers from European Research Area (ERA) and EURAXESS Worldwide (third) countries. The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Academy Mentoring Programme programme offers doctoral and postdoctoral NIHR Academy Members the opportunity to seek support for their academic and career development from a mentor drawn from our wide NIHR leadership community. Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Mentoring Programme Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) has partnered with the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) on a mentoring programme that matches RSE Fellows to support ESRC-funded PhD researchers keen to explore the interdisciplinary potential of their research. Mentoring for Researcher Developers (M4RD) for Researcher Developers, developed in response to a need for mentoring within this community (information is posted on LinkedIn page). British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies - Early Career Mentoring Scheme is for British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) members whose doctoral research has been completed and who are now pursuing careers in Higher Education. This article was published on 2024-09-30