Learning glass: evaluating its use by teachers and students

Learning glass: evaluating its use by teachers and students for enhancing learning experience.

School:   GeoSciences

Team Members: Sebastian Hennige, Meredith Corey, Murray Roberts, Lea-Anne Henry, Aaron De Veres, Dillberto-Cascio, Nadia Jogee, Stuart Nichol, Jon Jack


Learning Glass is a new technology for recording/live streaming content for use by

instructors and students. Learning Glass is a transparent whiteboard/ lightboard paired with a lecture capture system that allows users to write/ annotate content while maintaining face-to-face contact with the audience. As more and more teaching resources are put online, both for distance learning and as a learning aid, there is an opportunity to explore how Learning Glass can be used to supplement existing lecture recording. Teachers can use Learning Glass to create short lectures for summarising complex concepts, using colours for emphasis and contrast in an audience-friendly format (as opposed to writing on a board with your back to the class). From the student perspective, there is an opportunity for them to learn how to distil content (e.g. for presentation assignments) into short videos, equipping them with the ability to convey complex concepts in innovative and engaging formats.

Learning Glass has recently been purchased by Information Services. We propose to trial and evaluate this innovative technology in different formats and different target audiences from both teacher and student perspectives within the School of GeoSciences. Once evaluation is complete, results will be discussed with Information Services, the Enhanced Learning Forum and other academic members of staff. Following these discussions, a second ‘Research’ application to PTAS will fully evaluate the inclusion of Learning Glass in the most appropriate courses as a student/ instructor tool to enhance the student learning experience.

Final project report

Download the final project report now (PDF)