Enhancing Engagement with Media Hopper Replay

Enhancing Engagement with Media Hopper Replay - A Comparative Study

School: School of Engineering

Team Members: Dave Laurenson, James Hopgood


Media Hopper Replay (MHR) offers new ways for students to engage with lecture material, allowing them to enhance and embellish the content for themselves. The system has been very well received by students, with requests for more lectures to be recorded. This study explores the level of engagement with the features of MHR, how this differs across years, whether live demonstrations of capabilities encourage better usage, and the importance, or otherwise, of indexing, or dividing up the content of each recording.

The study considers three courses within the same subject stream in Engineering, taught to different years. One course was delivered in Semester 1; the remaining courses will be delivered in Semester 2. In each course, the effect of a live demonstration of the system will be evaluated by monitoring usage of the system prior to, and following the demonstration. This will test the hypothesis that students are more likely to use the advanced facilities of MHR if they are demonstrated to them than by learning the capabilities through experimentation.

The importance of sectioning lecture content will be examined through two mechanisms: provision of a detailed summary and an index into the MHR content using timestamps for each lecture; and segmentation of content into short (up to 12 minute) videos covering single topics. The use of these will be compared with the semester 1 course where neither approach has been used.

Final project report

Download the final project report (PDF)