Joanna Young

Profile for workshop facilitator Joanna Young

FacilitatorJoanna Young

Director, Electv Training

Jo is the Director of Electv Training, which specialises in professional development training for researchers. She delivers workshops and courses at universities all around the UK & Europe both on campus and online in subjects such as networking, applying for fellowships, publishing, presentation skills, data visualisation and careers. Electv Training also offers asynchronous online courses that researchers can login to and complete in their own time.

Jo obtained her BSc, MSc and PhD from the University of Edinburgh. After completing her PhD at the School of Informatics, she continued as a postdoctoral research associate at the University for a further three years, publishing in a variety of international journals. While undertaking her research, Jo also consulted for three biotechnology spin out companies from the Informatics Department. She was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in 2010 but chose to turn it down to start her company, Electv Training, 2011.  

Company website:

LinkedIn profile:

Workshops Provided

Generative AI & the researcher: strategies, insights & practical uses

Managing the publishing process

Navigating the peer review process



Jo Young