

Team Members:  Denitsa Petrova, John Lee, Alex Burford, Eli Appleby-Donald, Geoff Lee, Sabina Savadova

School:  Edinburgh College of Art


The School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, within Edinburgh College of Art, currently runs two parallel postgraduate programmes in Digital Media Design: an on-­campus programme (called Design and Digital Media) and a programme aimed at Online Distance Learning (ODL) students (called Digital Media Design). When the ODL programme was initiated (in 2015), one of the intentions was to bring campus and distance students into a shared studio environment. To facilitate this we propose investigating how effectively and successfully this shared experience has been created and is working, and what factors are most important in determining the results in terms of student experience and learning outcomes.

This research will involve questionnaires, interviews and temperature checks with students on both programmes (on-­campus and ODL). Focus will be placed on perceived, and real, barriers to collaborative working – between ODL students and ODL students, and between ODL and on-­campus students. This will allow the programme team (teachers and support colleagues) to develop a framework for successful collaboration across cohorts on a studio-­based taught Masters programme.

Sharing the findings of our research, and the resulting framework, will help other programme teams across the University looking to develop similar parallel programmes.

Final project report

Download the final project report (PDF)

Other project outcomes

  • Petrova D, Savadova S and Appleby-Donald E (2019) CollaboratED: Collaborative Learning in a Shared Studio Environment for Digital Media Design Students   Conference Proceedings of digicom (PDF), 3rd international conference on design and digital communication