A network for staff interested in thinking, talking, reading, and writing about their teaching practice. Aims of the SoTL NetworkProvide opportunities for discussion and reflection about university learning and teaching (L&T)Provide opportunities for reading and writing about university L&TSupport understanding of the education literatureBuild a collaborative community of scholarly academics across the university, complementing existing networks within your discipline areaSupport output of scholarly activities (in their various formats)Who is this network for?anyone and everyone interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in L&Tanyone interested in scholarly activities in L&Tcurrent, past, and future participants of the Edinburgh Teaching Award Schemecurrent, past, and future participants of the Principals’ Teaching Award Schemeestablished education researchers looking to expand their networklearning technologists and learning designerslearning advisors and student support staffearly career staff and studentsacademics moving into leadership rolesMotivations for attending activitiesBuild peer support and networks; work through things togetherFinding the space and time to complete scholarly works that are sitting on your to-do listLearning to decode and understand education research jargon and theoriesLearning how to develop research design and methodologies applicable to a range of educational experiencesGetting new ideas for teaching and researchLearning where to publish and share L&T workGaining evidence in scholarly continued professional development (Note: useful for those applying for the Edinburgh Teaching Award Scheme)Upcoming Events & ActivitiesAY 2024-25, Semester 2SoTL: Getting Started with SoTL: Join us to explore how to get started with Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. We will discuss the key concepts and practical advice needed to launch scholarly practices in higher education. ECRs and postgraduate students are particularly welcomed! We will draw upon the advice outlined in Peter Felten’s ‘Principles of Good Practice in SoTL’ (Link: https://doi.org/10.2979/teachlearninqu.1.1.121)Date & timeTitleLocationPresenter(s)Staff Booking LinkStudent Booking LinkTuesday 1st July 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Getting Started with SoTLOnline (MS Teams)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/4gs0Ssthttps://edin.ac/41wM46TPrevious Session: Getting Started with SoTL; Monday 17 July 2023, 12:00-13:30; Dr Jacqueline Dohaney; Media Hopper Recording SoTL: Decoding the Literature: In these seminars, we will unpack one scholarly piece of work that is relevant across many areas of learning and teaching. The presenter will begin by summarising the piece, giving the attendees a general sense of what the piece is about. A discussion will follow where attendees can ask questions and continue to unpack how this research may be applied in practice.All Decoding seminars are recorded in case you cannot attend on the day. Please see past recordings at the bottom of this page. Date & timeTitleLocationPresenter(s)Staff Booking LinkStudent Booking LinkWednesday 26th March 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Decoding the literature: Teacher excellence and time ownershipOnline (MS Teams)Dr Duncan Sneddonhttps://edin.ac/3ZBTPWQhttps://edin.ac/401F29rThursday 8th May 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Decoding the literature: Sense of belonging Online (MS Teams)Dr Brittany Blankinship https://edin.ac/3ZzKcrJhttps://edin.ac/4iwIv6VMonday 7th July 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Decoding the literature: Inclusive assessment Online (MS Teams)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3ZOEseXhttps://edin.ac/4ghTK1K SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching: In these sessions (both online and in-person), attendees will have dedicated time and space to read and write about their teaching. The sessions will be run similarly to the Shut-Up-And-Write format beginning with goal setting, followed by writing-OR-reading-only chunks, and ending with a brief reflection. If you don’t know where to start, a prepared reading list will be shared with attendees. We will encourage attendees to talk with each other, cultivating a sense of support and community. In-person sessions will be longer and located at different campuses across Edinburgh.Date & timeTitleLocationPresenter(s)Staff Booking LinkStudent Booking LinkMonday 17th February 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading and Writing about Teaching - In-personRoom 11.11, 40 George Square (Central Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3ObUrgihttps://edin.ac/4hJE3BfTuesday 4th March 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personG.12, Murchison House (King's Buildings Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/48YROZ8https://edin.ac/3CoguOiWednesday 19th March 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - OnlineOnline (MS Teams)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3YWXLkshttps://edin.ac/48OtRn1Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-person3.2, Lister Learning and Teaching Center (Central Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3YQeSVfhttps://edin.ac/4fl04oAThursday 17th April 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personTBC (Holyrood Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3OdWbG8https://edin.ac/4evoqdPMonday 28th April 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - OnlineOnline (MS Teams)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3Ze7kwZhttps://edin.ac/3Cz3NQEMonday 12th May 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personEaster Bush Campus TBCJackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3YX82guhttps://edin.ac/3O0ot6TMonday 20th May 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personTBC (Central Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/48VUIxChttps://edin.ac/3Cm0vQNThursday 10th July 2025, 12:00-13:30SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - OnlineOnline (MS Teams)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/4fxdE7Lhttps://edin.ac/4gvjDL0Wednesday 23rd July 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personTBC (Holyrood Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3ZABwBfhttps://edin.ac/3Db5d4dThursday 7th August 2025, 10:00-16:00SoTL: Reading & Writing about Teaching - In-personTBC (King's Buildings Campus)Jackie Dohaneyhttps://edin.ac/3ZUG0UUhttps://edin.ac/4gce6JDHow do I join?If you would like to join the mailing list, please contact the IAD Learning and Teaching support team: Learning and teaching support Contact details Email: iad.teach@ed.ac.uk The privacy statement for IAD mailing lists is available here IAD privacy statement for mailing lists hereWant to learn more about SoTL?Visit our IAD SoTL page with further information: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning pageAdditionally, as people venture into practising scholarly L&T, they may need specific questions answered or support within their practice area.Please contact Jackie Dohaney (Lecturer, University Teaching Enhancement) for one-on-one conversations. Dr Jacqueline Dohaney Lecturer, University Teaching Enhancement Contact details Email: j.dohaney@ed.ac.uk Previous SoTL events and resources Date & topic: Monday 11th November 2024, SoTL: Decoding the literature - Multicultural group workSpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development; Presenter - Lesley Kelly, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Tuesday 1st October 2024, SoTL: Decoding the literature - Decolonising curriculum and pedagogySpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development.Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Thursday 25th April 2024, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Managing group workSpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development. Invited speaker is Professor Hannah Chalmers from the School of Engineering.Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Wednesday 27th March 2024, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Flipped learningSpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Tuesday 27th February 2024, SoTL: Decoding the Literature - Feedback literacySpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 29th January 2024, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Beliefs about lecturing Speakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Wednesday 22nd November 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature - Students' basic needsSpeakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 23rd October 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature - Scaffolding Speakers: Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Tuesday 19th September 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature - Virtual laboratory simulationsSpeakers: Presented by Dr Céline Caquineau, Facilitated by Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic Development Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Tuesday 27th June 2023, Supporting inquiry into student learning: the hands-on Utrecht Roadmap for SoTL (UR-SoTL)Speakers: Associate Professor Irma Meijerman, Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning, Utrecht UniversityRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 22 May 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Assessing transferable skillsSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 10 April 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Independent learningSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 27 February 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Curriculum development and designSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 30 January 2023, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Retention of university studentsSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 28 November 2022, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Project-based learningSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 17 October 2022, SoTL: Qualitative education research methodsSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Tuesday 27 September 2022, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Cognitive load and effective learning designSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentRecording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 2 May 2022, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Interactive vs Traditional LecturingSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentFiles: Decoding the Literature: Interactive vs Traditional Lecturing Presentation slides (PDF)Recording: Media Hopper Date & topic: Monday 27th June 2022, SoTL: Decoding the Literature: Debunking Learning StylesSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Dohaney, Institute for Academic DevelopmentFiles: Decoding the Literature: Debunking Learning StylesRecording: Media Hopper This article was published on 2024-02-26