Links to Principal's Teaching Award Scheme project abstracts and reports on the theme of curriculum development. Introducing psychology via public engagement German in the workplace: boosting employability and language skills Ways of thinking and practising in Chinese and Japanese studies Engineering education for a sustainable society A longitudinal study investigating student perspectives on generic research methods courses Development and evaluation of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) in the veterinary curriculum: platform for a new undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education Guiding, monitoring and enhancing autonomous postgraduate learning abroad with virtual learning environments Digital detectives Where art meets science: development and evaluation of innovative 3-D models for undergraduate education Investigating innovative environmental analysis teaching methods for undergraduates Transitions between academic cultures: developing culture specific understandings of critical reading among higher degree students Evaluating the long-lasting benefits of integrated assessment and feedback practices on academic skills and performance of undergraduate SBMS students Innovations in (online) reflexive practice: linking theory with technique within the virtual learning environment Musical improvisation in Higher Education: Values, methods and assessment From periphery to core: personal tutoring in transition Students as partners: Co-development of a flipped classroom strategy for the BVM&S curriculum The role of tactical decision games (TDGs) as a novel method of teaching non-technical skills (NTS) to final year medical students A curly arrows app for Chemistry? Third space: evaluating a pilot On-line training of Clinical Psychology post-graduates in good clinical practice research principles A qualitative exploration of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary simulated learning in the acquisition of clinical skills and students decision making Diversity Reading List Approaches to teaching human empathy Trading simulation platforms in finance education Using gesture recognition system for hand hygiene training Evaluating professional internships for PhD Students Ways of thinking and practising in IMES Understanding the learning experience from voluntary work Physical activity in medical education: a flipped classroom approach The Law School history wall project Learning about the limitations of medicine - exploring barriers to effective learning Development and evaluation of a contextualised intervention to embed resilience training into the core veterinary curriculum Theory on stage Implementing lessons learned on embedded study skills provision for first year undergraduate students of Politics & International Relations Creating opportunities for students through the development of an anatomy bodypainting workbook Pre-laboratory peer assessed skills in inorganic chemistry and PRELAB-e (Pre-laboratory e-resources to enable student preparation of practical work) Developing Context-Based Physical Chemistry Laboratory Investigations Helping students to write readable code - a peer approach using ACJ Exploring the attitudes and learning needs of student nurses in relation to care home nursing Teaching for critical thinking in business: developing the active teacher to support student critical thinking A curriculum for climate justice: a collaborative investigation of the challenges and opportunities for climate change education through a social justice lens Coding club - a peer-to-peer learning environment to surmount statistics anxiety and code fear Developing research methods, data analysis and statistics course (RMDAS): engaging students in curriculum development Edinburgh Arabic Learning Evaluation Project (EALEP) R.L. Stevenson's 'The Bottle Imp': a graphic adaption Developing a framework for research-led virtual field trips: Physical and social issues of the natural hazards of Ecuador Vets at "Play" Developing business together: student perspectives on a key employability mismatch in veterinary education Embedding a culture of career learning in the GeoSciences Students - staff partnership in Biomedical Sciences 2: Development of digital educational resources for year 2 undergraduate students Embedding employability in the course approval process Design-thinking frameworks for future-directing bio-innovation Developing a disability studies module in the School of Health in Social Science. Mentoring for success: Co-producing a meaningful workplace mentoring scheme with students and employers Assessment Literacy for Graduate Attribute Enhancement (ALGAE) in Biomedical Sciences Student-led portfolio assessment in a large pre-honours cross-university elective Decolonising the Business School Curriculum Helping teachers and learners discover unfamiliar ways of thinking Empowering student teachers to improve classroom practice using the Lesson Study model: teacher research for the next generation? Can a pandemic evidence-synthesis group become a model for student development and enhanced learning? Researching widening participation in Engineering: Enrolment, Progression, Attainment and Support Strategy Equality, diversity and inclusion in the curriculum: developing a strategic approach in the medical school Co-creating curriculum through the course Understanding Gender in the Contemporary World Integrating student participation and EDI with Board of Studies: towards a community of critical readers The creation and use of low-fidelity models in the development of key surgical skill competence and confidence in final year veterinary students Assessing medical students’ preparedness to engage in clinical research practice. How is statistical study design and statistical analysis taught in the life sciences? A survey of undergraduate programmes across the UK Research staff: the missing link in teaching and learning? Crossing the Line: Developing an Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Higher Education Evaluation of the interdisciplinary experiential learning experiences of undergraduates enrolled on the new Curriculum Transformation pilot curricular course, Sensing in the Community. Set Them Free! Open Publishing of INF1B Course Materials This article was published on 2024-02-26