Using Media Hopper to enhance peer-teaching and develop Professional Judgement and Decision Making Expertise in Student Physical Education Teachers School: Moray House School of Education Team Members: Andrew Horrell, John Sproule, Sian Bayne, Amanda Martindale, Barrie Barreto Abstract This project will explore the capabilities of Media Hopper Create to support students’ engagement with University-based peer-teaching episodes which Year 3 students undertake. The project will explore how these episodes can be used as a resource to promote a more systematic approach to professional development. The recording of the peer-teaching episodes will provide the opportunity for students to engage in collaborative practitioner enquiry beyond the mentor-mentee relationship of school placements (Girvan, Conneely & Tangney, 2016). The focus of the practitioner reflection would be on the development of professional judgement and decision making (PJDM) so that student teachers are aware of a research informed process which would enable the students to draw on epistemological values and domain-specific expertise, and employ ecologically valid and naturalistic decision-making processes. The aim is to use an online environment to enable students to engage with a wider community, because at present lesson observation and post-lesson discussion during work-based placements is limited to those who can be physically present. To this end, the collaborative learning then only resides with the student teacher and the university tutor, and an opportunity for many others to benefit from the discussion is missed (Vanassche & Kelchtermans, 2014). This project seeks to harness to potential of Media Hopper Create to enable student teachers to engage in collaborative practitioner reflection as a rich social dialogic practice. This article was published on 2024-02-26