Online training - good clinical practice

On-line training of Clinical Psychology post-graduates in good clinical practice research principles

Team members: Nuno Ferreira, Rebekah Lwin, Emily Taylor


Research Governance Framework (2006) states that, researchers looking to do any health research involving patients need to be trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) principles. No GCP training protocol currently exists that addresses the complexities of doing research within clinical Psychology. Also, equitable accessibility to this training continues to be an issue, with marked differences in terms of funding to attend, local resources and timeframes between clinical Psychology post-graduate students.

This project aims to develop and evaluate a novel on-line training module of GCP for non-drug trials with a particular focus on Clinical Psychology. The main benefits of this project will be the equitable and accessible availability of specialized training in GCP for all post-graduate students in Clinical Psychology. Hopefully, this will contribute to the harmonization of research skills across the section whilst also having an impact on the quality of research undertaken by Clinical Psychology students.

It is also expected that this module can be rolled out to the rest of the school by using the same core template and changing the case studies according to the specific needs of each discipline.

Interim Report

You can download report report below: