Dr Jacqueline Dohaney

Dr Jacqueline Dohaney. Lecturer, University Teaching Enhancement.

Dr Jacqueline Dohaney

Lecturer, University Teaching Enhancement

Contact details

Role in the IAD

I am a Lecturer and a member of the Learning and Teaching Team in the Institute for Academic Development. The L&T team provide support to both staff and students relating to learning and teaching within the University. I design and lead the IAD’s SoTL activities and Network and I am the academic convenor for the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme (PTAS). Additionally, I work with academics to design and adapt their teaching, across the Colleges, and I am particularly interested in interdisciplinary and STEM learning experiences.

Professional interests

I am an interdisciplinary teacher and researcher and I have worked across higher education settings and roles in geosciences, engineering, physics, astronomy, and science communication with a doctorate in geoscience education (University of Canterbury, NZ). Currently, I am a section editor for Volcanica and I commonly contribute to discipline-based education research in geoscience.

My research focuses on applying authentic, social, and situated learning theories, such as landscapes of practice (Wenger-Trayner et al., 2014), to support skills development and students being-and-becoming professionals (Dall’Alba, 2009). Recently, I am moving into identity research, using critical theory and a Bourdieusian lens, and asking questions about how people become STEM professionals in our changing world. My service and teaching philosophy is centred around justice, equity, and inclusion in higher education, and especially STEM learning spaces.

I am currently a member of the Sustainability in Education Research Group (SIERG) and the Race and Inclusivity in Global Education Network (RIGEN). I am accepting graduate student supervision in projects related to SoTL, STEM education, geoscience education, higher educational philosophy, and identity and sense of belonging research.

Selected publications

Dohaney, J., Jolley, A., Kennedy, B. and Watson, A. (2023) “A systematic review of volcanology learning and teaching in higher education”, Volcanica, 6(2), pp. 221–252. doi: https://doi.org/10.30909/vol.06.02.221252

Dohaney, J., Jolley, A., Kennedy, B. and Watson, A. (2023) “A summary of peer-reviewed resources for teaching volcanology in higher education”, Volcanica, 6(2), pp. 253–263. doi: https://doi.org/10.30909/vol.06.02.253263

Jolley, A., Dohaney, J. and Kennedy, B. (2022) Teaching about volcanoes: Practices, perceptions, and implications for professional development. Volcanica, 5(1), pp. 11–32. https://doi.org/10.30909/vol.05.01.1132.

Dohaney, J. (2021). Moving from survival mode to wellbeing in academia. In: Lemon, N. (ed) Creating a Place for Self-care and Wellbeing in Higher Education: Finding Meaning Across Academia. Part of the Wellbeing and Self-care in Higher Education: Embracing Positive Solutions Series, Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003144397-16

Dohaney, J., de Roiste, M., Salmon, R. A., & Sutherland, K. (2020). Benefits, barriers, and incentives for improved resilience to disruption in university teaching. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 50, November 2020, 101691. https://doi.org/10.26686/wgtn.14071445.v1

Mann, L., Chang, R., Chandrasekaran, S., Coddington, A., Daniel, S., Cook, E., Crossin, E., Cosson, B., Turner, J., Mazzurco, A., Dohaney, J., O’Hanlon, T., Pickering, J., Walker, S., Maclean. F., & Smith, T.D. (2020) From problem-based learning to practice-based education: a framework for shaping future engineers, European Journal of Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2019.1708867

Dohaney, J., & Coddington, A. (2020). The Hero’s Journey: First-year engineering students’ visual narratives of personal and professional development. In 31st Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2020 (AAEE 2020). Engineers Australia. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.12815.41121

Priestley, R., Dohaney, J., Atkins, C., Salmon, R., & Robinson, K. (2018). Engaging new Antarctic learners and ambassadors through flexible learning, open education and immersive video lectures. Polar Record, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0032247418000384

Dohaney, J., Mann, L., & Coddington, A. (2018). What's your purpose?: Redefining the being and becoming of future engineers through professional purpose. In 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018) (p. 176). Engineers Australia. http://hdl.handle.net/1959.3/446906

Chang, R., Maclean, F., Dohaney, J., & Mann, L. (2018). Dancing at the party: Educational practices in engineering education that foster diversity and inclusion. In 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018) (p. 106). Engineers Australia. http://hdl.handle.net/1959.3/446908

Crossin, E., & Dohaney, J. (2018). Can we select students who will go on to be successful engineers? In 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018) (p. 121). Engineers Australia. http://hdl.handle.net/1959.3/446863

Dohaney J., Brogt E., Wilson T.M., Kennedy B. (2017) Using Role-Play to Improve Students’ Confidence and Perceptions of Communication in a Simulated Volcanic Crisis. In: Fearnley C.J., Bird D.K., Haynes K., McGuire W.J., Jolly G. (eds) Observing the Volcano World. Advances in Volcanology (An Official Book Series of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior – IAVCEI, Barcelona, Spain). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/11157_2016_50

Dohaney, J., Brogt, E., Wilson, T.M., Hudson-Doyle, E., Kennedy, B., Lindsay, J., Bradley, B., Johnston, D., and Gravley, D. (2016). Improving science communication through scenario-based role-plays. Wellington: Ako Aotearoa, National Centre for Teaching Excellence, New Zealand https://ako.ac.nz/knowledge-centre/improving-science-communication-skills/

Fitzgerald, R. H., Dohaney, J., Hill, D., Wilson, T. M., Kennedy, B. and Lindsay, J. (2016). Teaching volcanic hazard management and emergency management concepts through role-play: The science behind the Auckland Volcanic Field Simulation. GNS Science Report 2014/70. p. 61. http://shop.gns.cri.nz/sr_2014-070-pdf/

Salmon, R., Priestley, R., Mitchell, D., Carter, A. and Dohaney, J. (2016) Science in Society spreads its wings: An online course suite and integrative MOOC approach. DEANZ 2016, Hamilton, New Zealand. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301511732_Science_in_Society_spreads_its_wings_An_online_course_suite_and_integrative_MOOC_approac

Dohaney, J., Brogt, E., Kennedy, B., Wilson, T.M., Lindsay, J.M. (2015). Training in crisis communication and volcanic eruption forecasting: Design and evaluation of an authentic role-play simulation. Journal of Applied Volcanology. Special Issue: The Application of Volcanology Research to Emergency Management. Volume 4, Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13617-015-0030-1

Dohaney, J., Brogt, E., Kennedy, B. (2015) Strategies and perceptions of students’ field note-taking: Insights from a geothermal field lesson.  Journal of Geoscience Education. 63(3):233-249. https://doi.org/10.5408/13-026.1

Rovins, J.E., Wilson, T.M., Hayes, J., Jensen, S. J., Dohaney, J., Mitchell, J., Johnston, D.M., Davies, A. (2015). Risk Assessment Handbook. GNS Science Miscellaneous Series, v.84. Wellington, New Zealand: Massey University. https://shop.gns.cri.nz/ms_84-pdf/

Dohaney, J., Brogt, E., and Kennedy, B. (2012) Successful Curriculum Development and Evaluation of Group Work in an Introductory Mineralogy Laboratory. Journal of Geoscience Education, 60(1): 21-33, 2012. https://doi.org/10.5408/10-212.1

Dohaney, J., Kennedy, B., Brogt, E., and Bradshaw, H. (2012) The Geothermal World Videogame: An Authentic, Immersive videogame used to teach observation skills needed for exploration. New Zealand Geothermal Workshop Proceedings, 19-21 November 2012, Auckland New Zealand. https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/handle/10092/9082