A network for University of Edinburgh students and staff interested in student engagement. Image Who is the network for?The Edinburgh Network: Growing Approaches to Genuine Engagement (ENGAGE) aims to bring together University of Edinburgh students and staff interested in creating genuine and meaningful interactions between students and staff focused on learning, teaching and assessment. Meetings focus on sharing ideas, research and practice, and offer space for discussion and collegial support. Whether you are interested in enhancing student engagement in learning and teaching from the student or staff perspective, you are welcome to come along.Student engagement across the universityTo find out more about how staff and students work together at the university, you can visit the staff and student Partnership Agreement pages. The Partnership Agreement sets out how the University and Edinburgh University Students Association are working together to enhance the student experience. It is reviewed annually and the priorities are agreed in consultation with students and staff.2024-25 workshopsPlease see below a list of workshops running in AY2024-25 Semester 2. Date & TimeWorkshopPresentersVenueStaff Booking LinkStudent Booking LinkFriday 28th February 2025, 10:00-11:00Engaging students with assessment and feedback: a case study in 3D chess from Heriot Watt University Dr Andrew MacLaren, Associate Professor of Team CommunicationOnline (MS Teams)https://edin.ac/4ftoTyPhttps://edin.ac/3UKhDpIWednesday 12th March 2025, 14:30-15:30An introduction to engaging students with art collections and object-based learning Liv Laumenech, Assistant Art Collections Curator, Heritage Collections (Research and Curatorial)Main Library, George Squarehttps://edin.ac/3AMzyoYhttps://edin.ac/40DSdOrThursday 24th April 2025, 10:00-11:00Engaging Students with Interdisciplinary LearningProf Vel McCune, Deputy Director, IAD and Head of IAD Learning and Teaching Team Online (MS Teams)https://edin.ac/4hPqaS9https://edin.ac/40CNsVjTuesday 6th May 2025, 16:00-17:00Students’ use and acceptance of generative AI: lessons learned from a PTAS projectJordana Viotto; Susan Dunnett; Raluca Bunduchi; Kasia Banas, and Naomi SleatorOnline (MS Teams)https://edin.ac/49kIbUDhttps://edin.ac/3Z4gbzKExtra guidance for staff bookings: For full instructions (if needed) on using People and Money for workshop bookings, you can use the relevant user guide:People and Money User Guide – How to Manage Your Learning (Employee guide)How do I join?If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive more information about events please contact: Learning and teaching support Contact details Email: iad.teach@ed.ac.uk Privacy statement for IAD mailing lists: you can read our IAD privacy statement for mailing lists hereIf you have suggestions about future topics that you would like to see explored as part of the Engage network, please contact: Victoria.tait@ed.ac.ukPrevious engage events and resourcesYou can browse previous slides and recordings of Engage events below. These have been grouped by topic and include workshops dating back to the launch of the series in the 2017/18 academic year. Assessment and feedback Thursday 14th November 2024, Co-creating assessment and feedback: exploring examples, challenges and opportunitiesSpeakers: Prof Cathy Bovill, Personal Chair of Student Engagement in HE, Co-director IADVideo recording (Media Hopper)Presentation slides - TBCTuesday 5th October 2021, Challenges with assessment - how are we responding to students' feedback?Speakers: Dr Neil Lent, Lecturer University Learning and Teaching, and Dr Catherine Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement, both IAD.Video recording (Media Hopper)Presentation slides - Engage Oct 21 (PDF)Tues 30th March 2021, Engaging students through innovative assessment choice in the Currents: understanding and addressing global changes courseSpeaker: Dr Andy Cross, Post-doctoral Research Associate / Teaching Development Fellow, School of GeosciencesVideo recording (Media Hopper)Intro slides engage Mar 2021 (PDF)Presentation slides - Andy Cross Mar 2021Thurs 6th June 2019, Student-staff co-creation of assessmentDr Catherine Bovill, IAD Slides from the session - Dr Cathy Bovill (PDF)Handout - A Practitioner's Guide to Choice of Assessment Within a Module: Case Studies from University College Dublin (PDF) Building community and belonging Tuesday 22nd October 2024, Learner-centred practice, research and leadership: Thriving in an age of disruption Presenter – Professor Kerri-Lee Krause, Chair, Australian Government Higher Education Standards PanelVideo Recording (Media Hopper)Presentation slides - Engage session Oct 2024 (PDF)Wednesday 20th March 2024, Using the student support model to create a community of learnersPresenter - Tina Harrison, Personal Chair of Financial Services Marketing and ConsumptionVideo Recording (Media Hopper)Wed 5th April 2023 Building community while teaching - Crispin JordanVideo Recording April Engage session - Media HopperThis recording is with auto-generated subtitles so will contain some errorsPresentation Slides - Engage April 2023 (PDF)Wednesday 15 March 2023, Students’ perspectives on the Student Support SystemSpeakers: Clarissa Yung, 4th year undergraduate student, BSc Psychology, PPLSIntroduction slides - Engage March 23 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage March 23 (PDF)Video Recording (Media Hopper)Tuesday 07 December 2021, Is ‘mattering’ a more helpful way of thinking about student belonging at university?Speakers: Peter Felten, Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning, Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, and Professor of History, Elon University, USA and Heidi Weston, Undergraduate Researcher, Elon class of 2023 (History and Education), Elon University, USAIntroduction slides - Engage Dec 21 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage Dec 21 (PDF)Video recording (Media Hopper)Thurs 12th November 2020, Strategies for building relationships: creating community and belonging among students and staffPresenters: Prof Tina Harrison, Assistant Principal, Academic Standards and Quality Assurance and Personal Chair of Financial Services Marketing and Consumption, Dr Catherine Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement, Institute for Academic DevelopmentIntroductory slides (PDF)Video of the session (Media Hopper)Mon 14th January 2019, Building community and relationships between staff and students in SchoolsDr Esther Mijers and students from History Classics and Archaeology and Dr Chris Mowat and students from ChemistrySlides from session - Chris Mowat (PPT)Slides from session - Ester Mijers (PPT) Co-creating with students Tues 18th April 2023 Curriculum creation as co-inquiry about the University - Tai PesetaPresentation Slides - Engage April 2023 (PDF)Tuesday 1 November 2022, Student Partnership in Quality SystemsSpeakers: Eve Lewis, Director, Sparqs and Stef Black, Development Consultant, SparqsPresentation slides - Engage November 22 (PDF)Tues 29th May 2018 - In conversation about internationalising and diversifying the curriculum in partnership with students Dr Wendy Green, University of Tasmania; Ms Sarah Moffat, Edinburgh University Students' Association; Dr Catriona Cunningham, University of StirlingSlides from session - Wendy Green (PDF)Slides from session - Sarah Moffat (PDF)Slides from session - Catriona Cunningham (PDF)9th April 2018 - Student-staff co-creation of a course: Understanding Gender in the Contemporary WorldSlides from session (MS PowerPoint) Inclusive learning and teaching practices Weds 24th February 2021, High Impact Practices: why we should pay attention to practices that offer disproportionate benefits to underserved students.Speaker: Dr Catherine Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement, Institute for Academic DevelopmentVideo recording (Media Hopper)Feb 2021 Hight Impact Practices (HIPs) presentation slides (PDF)Thursday 04th June 2020, Supporting autistic students and colleaguesPresenters: Sue Fletcher-Watson and Natalie JenkinsSlides from the session (PDF)Video of the session (Media Hopper)Tuesday 28th January 2020, Using cognitive load theory to help students learn more effectivelyProfessor Michael Seery, School of ChemistrySlides from the session - Professor Michael SeeryVideo of event on Media HopperWed 12th December 2018, Complicating inclusivity and diversity in student engagement and partnership: Whose voice gets heard?Dr Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, IADSlides from session - Lucy Mercer-Mapstone (PPT)15th February 2018 - Making curricula inclusive and engaging Slides from session (MS PowerPoint) Online, digital, hybrid and place-based learning Tuesday 14th January 2025, Engaging students in flexible and hybrid pedagogiesSpeaker: Dr Celeste McLaughlin, Head of Academic Development for Digital Education Video Recording (Media Hopper)Presentation slides (PDF)Wooclap responses (MS Word)Wednesday 22nd May 2024, What impact might teaching in the outdoors have on student engagement? Speaker: Robbie Nicol, Professor of Place-Based Education, Moray House School of Education and SportVideo recording (Media Hopper)Thursday 7th December 2023, What role do virtual simulations play in engaging students?Speakers: Paul Driver, Director of Simulation-based Learning, Anglia Ruskin UniversityVideo recording – virtual simulations and engaging students (Media Hopper)Presentation slides - Engage December 2023 (PDF)Thursday 20 October 2022, Engaging students in digital learning environments: cameras on or off?Speakers: Celeste McLaughlin, Head of Digital Education for Academic Development, IADIntroduction slides - Engage October 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage October 22 (PDF)Whiteboard Activity (1, 1a, 2)Video Recording (Media Hopper)Thursday 21 April 2022, A framework to support enhanced engagement Speakers: Marian McCormick, Principal Lecturer (Learning & Teaching), Canterbury Christ Church UniversityIntroduction slides - Engage Apr 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage Apr 22 (PDF)Video recording (Media Hopper)Thursday 13 January 2022, Engaging online studentsSpeakers: Gill Aitken, Programme Director, MSc Clinical Education and Kanastana Yasotharan, MSc Clinical Education studentIntroduction slides - Engage Jan 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage Jan 22 (PDF)Video recording (Media Hopper)Fri 23rd October 2020, Student engagement through hybrid teaching: sharing ideas and practicePresenters: Dr Dan Swanton, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, School of Geosciences, Fizzy Abou-Jawad, Vice President for Education, Edinburgh University Students’ Association, Dr Jessie Paterson, Lecturer in Student Learning, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.Introductory slides (PDF)Video of the session (Media Hopper)Slides from Dan Swanton’s presentation (PDF)Dan Swanton's webpages - Pandemic Urbanism in Eight ObjectsDan Swanton's webpages - Pandemic Urbanism - A DriftNotes taken in the breakout rooms (MS Word)Tuesday 21st April 2020, Engaging students online and building communityPresenters: Gill Aitken, Tim Fawns, Derek Jones, Debbie SpenceVideo from session (Media Hopper) The following Teaching Matters blog and journal commentary relate to this team’s work:Top ten tips for teaching onlineOnline learning as embodied, socially meaningful experienceWed 13th Feb 2019, Student engagement in lecture captureAnne-Marie Scott, Information ServicesSlides from session - Anne-Marie Scott (PPT)Wed 14th November 2018 - Online Learning Network and engage: Engaging Online Students A joint Online Learning Network and Engage Network event.Slides from session - Intro (PPT)Slides from session - Eli Appleby-Donald, student perspectives (PPT)Slides from session - Elizabeth Mortimer, Edinburgh Award (PPT)Slides from session - Tim Fawns et al, community building online MSc (PDF)Collated post it notes (MS Word)12th Dec 2017 - Introducing Piazza - a tool for students to ask, answer and discuss questions with staff input where neededSlides from Alan Murray (MS PPT)Slides from School of Mathematics (MS PPT)Piazza - find out more (external website) Teaching Matters blog Wednesday 25 May 2022, Reading and writing blogs: how can students influence teachers' practice?Speakers: Jenny Scoles, Academic Developer (Learning and Teaching Enhancement), Institute for Academic DevelopmentIntroduction slides - Engage May 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage May 22 (PDF)Tuesday 08 March 2022, Writing personal stories to think academically: Blogging workshop for studentsSpeakers: Josephine Foucher, Teaching Matters Co-Editor and Student Engagement Officer, Institute for Academic Development and PhD Candidate, SociologyPresentation slides - Engage Mar 22 (PDF)Tues 1st December 2020, Engaging students through bloggingSpeakers: Dr Hazel Christie, Senior Lecturer (University Learning and Teaching), Institute for Academic Development, Josephine Foucher, Teaching Matters Deputy Editor and Student Engagement Officer, Institute for Academic Development and PhD student in SociologyVideo of the session (Media Hopper)Introductory slides (PPT)Slides - Using Assessed Blogs to Enhance Student Engagement - Hazel Christie and Nina Morris (PPT)Slides - Engaging Students Through Blogging - Josephine Foucher (PPT)Wednesday 29th April 2020, Research focus: conversations, community and collegialityPresenters: Jenny Scoles (IAD), Hazel Christie (IAD), Nina Morris (Geosciences), Karen Howie (IS)This event was a focus group gathering information for a research project exploring the impact of blogging on teaching and learning practice.More information about this work Student engagement and student voice Wednesday 04 December 2024, Meaningfully engaging a diversity of students in experiential learning - what has worked for SACHA (Students as Change Agents) Speakers: Ruth Donnelly, Emma Taylor and SACHA student participants Video recording (Media Hopper)Wednesday 25 September 2024, What does good teaching look like in 2024? A reflection on the 2024 Teaching AwardsSpeaker: Callum Paterson (he/him) Academic Engagement & Policy Coordinator Student Voice TeamPresentation slides - September 2024 (PDF)Wednesday 13 March 2024, Student Engagement from the perspective of Edinburgh University Students’ AssociationSpeaker: Carl Harper, Vice President Education, Students AssociationPresentation slides - March 2024 (PDF)Friday 23rd February 2024, Exactly how engaging is a curriculum for the future?Video Recording (Media Hopper)Presenter - Elaine Brown, Institutional Lead for Personal Development Tutoring and Ruskin ModulesThursday, 22nd November 2023, Is active learning the key to student engagement?Speakers: Dr Vicki Dale, Senior Lecturer (Academic Services) and Dr Nathalie Tasler, Senior Lecturer (Academic and Digital Development), University of GlasgowVideo recording – Active learning (Media Hopper)Presentation slides - Engage November 2023 (PDF)Thursday 23 June 2022, Is sociable curiosity the most important graduate attribute?Speakers: Neil Thin, Senior Lecturer, Social AntrhopologyIntroduction slides - Engage June 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage June 22 (PDF)Wednesday 20 April 2022, Effective student engagement strategies Speakers: Ellen MacRae, President Edinburgh University Students’ Association and Tara Gold Vice President, Education, Edinburgh University Students’ AssociationVideo recording (Media Hopper)Wednesday 09 February 2022, Enhancing student participation in social science courses (with students)Speakers: Rachel Howell, Lecturer in Sociology / Sustainable Development, School of Social and Political Science. With Ana Diaz-Vidal, UG student, SPS.Introduction slides - Engage Feb 22 (PDF)Presentation slides - Engage Feb 22 (PDF)Video recording (Media Hopper)Tuesday 09 November 2021: How do students define and relate to the curriculum? Findings from a recent study at the University of EdinburghSpeakers: Emma Taylor, PhD Intern, Institute for Academic Development, One Pusamane, PhD candidate, African Studies; Ian Glen, Curriculum Transformation Partner, Catherine Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement, Institute for Academic DevelopmentPresentation slides - Engage Nov 21 (PDF)Video recording (Media Hopper)Thurs 21st January 2021, Students talking about their experiences of student engagement in lockdown and semester 1Speakers: Jessica O’Loughlin, undergraduate student, Biochemistry, Ana Diaz Vidal, undergraduate student sustainable development, and othersVideo recording (Media Hopper)Presentation slides Jan 2021 (PDF)Intro slides Jan 2021 session (PDF)Thurs 16th May 2019, Student engagement article, group discussionTanya Lubicz-Nawrocka, PhD student Moray House School of Education and Sam Dvorakova, PhD student, School of Physics'Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: implications for academic development'.The paper is available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1360144X.2018.1545233Slides from the session - Tanya Lubicz-Nawrock & Sam Dvorakova (PDF)Tues 4th December 2018, Analysing NSS results and implications for student engagementDr Alex Buckley Strathclyde University; & Dr Jill MacKay Vet School, Dr Kirsty Hughes Vet School, Dr Neil Lent IADSlides from session - Alex Buckley (PPT)Slides from session - Jill MacKay and colleagues (PPT)16th May 2018 - Discussion of two student engagement articles Slides from session (PDF)Articles under discussion:Anonymous academic (2015) My students have paid £9000 and now they think they own me. The Guardian Friday 18 December. Chickering, A.W. and Gamson, Z.F. (1987) Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin March, pp3-7.19th January 2018 - Learner engagement: In Conversation with Peter Felten and Meredith PiattTanya Lubicz-Nawrocka's blog - event overview (external website)Notes - Peter Felten & Meredith Piatt, in conversation (MS Word)Cathy Bovill - Language & Behaviour of Engagement (MS PPT)Kate Wall - Catalytic Tools for Encouraging Metacognitive Engagement With Pedagogy (MS PPT)Mark Huxham - Engagement at Scale (PDF)Susan Deeley - Co-design of Assessment (PDF)17 Oct 2017 - The Launch: 10 Ways to enhance student engagement in learning and teachingVideo of the Engage launchLaunch event slides - 10 ways to enhance student engagement (MS PPT)More student engagement suggestions, adaptations and ideas co-created by the event participants (MS Word) This article was published on 2024-02-26