Creation and evaluation of immersive simulation digital media

Creation and evaluation of immersive simulation digital media.

School: Edinburgh Medical School

Team Members:  Val McDowall, Barbara Findlay, Alan Gilchrist


Within the University of Edinburgh Medical School, the simulation strategy aims to develop a more immersive simulation environment which will increase realism of the teaching so that the transition to the clinical environment is less acute or daunting. This vision is supported by the recent General Medical Council review; the GMC Education Department reviews the quality of Edinburgh’s MBChB programme regularly; and the University’s own Teaching Programme Review. 

Photo of a simulated healthcare setting

Whilst modern manikins can be programmed to simulate different medical conditions, within the existing Clinical Skills Centre the challenges lie in replicating the sights and sounds of different clinical environments due to the limited amount of physical teaching space available for this form of teaching.  This project aims to record and create the digital footage that would be used along with existing projection facilities to allow the students to be fully immersed in various simulated environments.

ImageSimulation space with sample projection

Final project report

Download final project report (PDF)