Enriching recording lectures through linking and creation of rich media content Team Members: John Lee, Denitsa Petrova, Stuart Anderson, Edmund Farrow, Trey Connelly School: Informatics and Edinburgh College of Art Abstract Lecture recordings are increasingly ubiquitous, but often, little is done with these. Interactive features do not seem to be widely exploited. One explanation may be that the interfaces are not yet optimal for educational uses. Another difficulty is that systems can be rather restrictive in various ways. It may also be that most pedagogical practices simply fail to encourage students’ taking advantage of facilities like these: it is not enough simply to provide the functionality, rather it needs to become an integral part of learning strategies. This proposal seeks to bring together, integrate and enhance several activities that we have already been pursuing in this area, including a series of student projects, the development of an experimental lightweight platform for working with video materials, and the use of a wiki for coursework and assessment. The objectives are to: Understand more clearly the factors that encourage and discourage use of diverse rich media materials in conjunction with lecture recordings. Develop strategies, interfaces and learning practices that encourage and support such use of diverse materials. Develop educational applications of the outcomes of an IS project (conducted jointly with an MSc project in Informatics) to exploit crowdsourcing of media content. The project will involve designing and prototyping interfaces for rich media integration, as an aspect of designing novel teaching and learning strategies with lecture recordings as core materials. We will use a “research through design” approach, working with students both as learners and as researchers, in both Informatics and ECA. Final Project Report Download the final project report (PDF) This article was published on 2024-02-26