Projects from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine organised by School of the lead applicant. Edinburgh Medical School Formative assessment: how useful is it, who does it help the most, and how can we improve it further? Supporting Transition to the Workplace through Entrustable Profession Activities: Student and Tutor Perspectives Comparing the First Year Student Transition Experience in the Biomedical Sciences Programme at the University of Edinburgh and Zhejiang University Are teaching resources and lecture recordings equally useful to domestic and international students? Preparing graduates to manage acutely unwell patients - exploring the role of stress and strategies to mitigate its effects How can supplementary audio recordings (podcasts) enhance the online distance learning experience Exploring divergence and congruence between learning and assessment practices in University and professional workplaces Do you really belong? Understanding the BAME attainment gap at Edinburgh University Creation and evaluation of immersive simulation digital media. Student-led neuroscience outreach project aimed at a diverse range of high school pupils. Predicting academic attainment in case-based discussion board assessments Through the patient's eyes: using virtual reality to teach empathy to medical and nursing students Empathy and compassion in work and life Can a pandemic evidence-synthesis group become a model for student development and enhanced learning? Beginning university during SARS-CoV-2 restrictions: How can the University of Edinburgh meet the needs of students belonging to a Widening Participation group? Assessing medical students’ preparedness to engage in clinical research practice. How is statistical study design and statistical analysis taught in the life sciences? A survey of undergraduate programmes across the UK A gamification approach to enhancing student empathy towards laboratory animals Centre for Medical Education Defining non-technical skills in doctors Developing satisfying and effective feedback for medical students Delivering innovative personalised feedback for large multi-station practical assessments Tactical decision games in teaching Early warning system - students at risk of failure Learning about the limitations of medicine - exploring barriers to effective learning How is good feedback expressed? A corpus analysis of feedback provided by Edinburgh University Students' Association Teaching Awards (Best Feedback) Nominees Promoting a learning community through peer feedback - navigating the perspectives of staff and students The role of the Programme Director in Taught Postgraduate Programmes Open to All? Faculty Development for Equitable Participation in Clinical Teaching Deanery of Biomedical Sciences A WebCT interactive case study tool Evaluating the long-lasting benefits of integrated assessment and feedback practices on academic skills and performance of undergraduate SBMS students Creating opportunities for students through the development of an anatomy bodypainting workbook Between paradigms: building competence in social sciences for students of medical sciences Assessment Literacy for Graduate Attribute Enhancement (ALGAE) in Biomedical Sciences Deanery of Clinical Sciences ShinyStats: A new interactive and engaging statistics training application to complement existing resources Self assessment in complex clinical skills Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences Preparing medical students for self-directed learning in statistics Physical activity in medical education: a flipped classroom approach Telling it like it is! Nursing students exchanging knowledge and experience through stories Equality, diversity and inclusion in the curriculum: developing a strategic approach in the medical school Exploring the relationship between Learning Technologists and teaching staff a year on from the initial shift to hybrid and online teaching Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Personalising Feedback: The Audio Way Virtual slaughterhouse simulator Lecturer in your lounge: providing digital feedback to distance education students using screencasting. Extending an audio-feedback tool into new contexts: student and staff experiences Development and evaluation of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) in the veterinary curriculum: platform for a new undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education Where art meets science: development and evaluation of innovative 3-D models for undergraduate education Co-development of a flipped classroom strategy Approaches to teaching human empathy Using gesture recognition system for hand hygiene training Development and evaluation of a contextualised intervention to embed resilience training into the core veterinary curriculum QualRec: Qualitative exploration of staff and student engagement, experience and behaviour with Lecture Recording Developing research methods, data analysis and statistics course (RMDAS): engaging students in curriculum development Climbing an ALP (Assessment Literacy Pyramid): A Programme Level Approach to Developing Assessment Literacy Vets at "Play" Developing business together: student perspectives on a key employability mismatch in veterinary education Establishing the Dick Vet Immersive Simulation Environment (DiVISE) Using 3D-printing technology to create novel simulator models for the performance of cerebrospinal fluid sampling The creation and use of low-fidelity models in the development of key surgical skill competence and confidence in final year veterinary students This article was published on 2024-02-26