Resources and guidance

Information and resources about what a digital footprint is and how you can manage it successfully.

The service aims to raise awareness about managing an online presence (digital footprint).

This page covers:

What is your digital footprint?
University of Edinburgh resources
Creating an effective online presence - presentation

What is your digital footprint?

It's the data you leave behind when you go online. It's what you've said, what others have said about you, where you've been, images you're tagged in, personal information, social media profiles, and much more.

Managing your digital footprint - introductory video

There are various activities, workshops, resources and advice which will focus on how to create and manage a positive digital footprint, including

  • creating an effective online presence
  • professional networking
  • finding the right job
  • collaborating with others
  • keeping safe online
  • managing your privacy and the privacy of others
  • e-professionalism
    Web Quote


University of Edinburgh resources

University of Edinburgh: Social media guidelines for staff and researchers

Managing your digital footprint: creating an effective online presence (approx. 16 mins)

This short presentation provides information and useful advice on managing your digital footprint and how to create an effective online presence. It includes information on e-professionalism, professional bodies’ guidelines, taking control of your online presence, and much more.



Social media channel

Digital Footprint Twitter

2014-15 campaign collaborators
