Videos - Support for your teaching at the IAD

Short videos by Professor Velda McCune, giving an introduction to the IAD's support for teaching for University of Edinburgh staff. and the University's Continuing Professional Development Framework for Learning and Teaching.

Introductory video - support for teaching from the IAD

This short video covers:

  • quick starting points, such as the Teaching Matters blog
  • communities you can join, and how to connect with us and other colleagues
  • other opportunities such as funding schemes and projects you can get involved with
  • opportunities to gain Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Continuing professional development for learning and teaching from the IAD

This slightly longer video gives a more in-depth overview what IAD can provide, including the UoE Continuing Professional Development Framework for Learning and Teaching, the PgCert in Academic Practice, and the Edinburgh Teaching Award. We also mention sources of support beyond the IAD.