A list of our professional development focussed workshops for research staff. Topics include voice and presentation skills, leadership, making the most of your postdoc, building your research profile, and more. List of professional development-themed workshops for Research StaffAdvanced Presentation Skills MasterclassBuilding your Research Profile 1:1 ConsultationsGiving an Effective Presentation How to develop your Research Leadership Making the most of your Postdoc Imposter Syndrome: Why successful people often feel like frauds Leading with Relational IntelligenceResearcher Writing Hour & Morning/ Afternoon Writing Retreat;Storytelling Techniques for Effective Communication Voice and Presentation Skills WorkshopEligibility, Booking and CancellingEligibilityWe understand it can sometimes be unclear knowing what workshops are suitable for your career stage, or responsibilities. Please note below our workshop eligibility:Workshop themes: Professional Development, Research Connections and Collaborations, Publications, Research Funding, Research-led Teaching, and Research Projects These workshops are open for booking to all academic research staff (post-docs, research fellows, research assistants and associates and technicians). Booking: these courses generally open for booking once we have scheduled a dateCancelling: If you need to cancel your booking, please do so at your earliest opportunity and at least 3 days before the event. Someone else may be able to take your place, but we need time to contact them. Also, although you are not charged for an event, there are costs we incur (e.g. photocopying) which relate directly to places reserved. How to bookLog in to People and Money (EASE log in required)From your People & Money home page, click on Me, then on the Learning tile to open the Learning app.Type the name of the workshop into the search bar at the top of the screen (e.g. Archiving your Research Data) and press EnterClick on the workshop name. Full workshop information is under Details.Dates available to book will be listed under Available Offerings; click the Enroll button next to the date you wish to bookPeople & Money - log in to search and enrol on workshopsIf you are unable to use People & Money to book a place on a workshop please contact iad.researchers@ed.a.uk and we can register a place on your behalf For full instructions, please follow the relevant user guide:People and Money User Guide – How to Manage Your Learning (Employee guide)You can find all the People and Money user guides here:People and Money system – all User Guides How to cancelLog in to People & MoneyFrom your People & Money home page, click on Me, then on the Learning tile to open the Learning app.Click on Current LearningClick on the name of the workshop booking you wish to cancelIn the Actions menu (top right corner) select Withdraw, complete the Reason to Withdraw questions, and click Submit. This article was published on 2024-02-26